Chapter 14

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June 17. 2015
Hannah's POV

Hannah packed up her suitcases. The cruise had been warned of bad weather approaching. They were docking and would be given rooms at the nearest hotel to ride out the tropical storm. Hannah packed up her essentials in her back pack and then secured her carry on to her large suitcase.

"Do you need any help, Caro?"

"No. Why do we have to get off the boat?"

"There's a big storm coming, and they want us to be safe."

"But this boat is so big. Mommy said it was safe, but now it's not?"

"It's a very safe boat, but this storm is really dangerous. Even to big boats like this. So think of it as another adventure."

Carolina nodded, "okay. I'm ready."

"Great. Let's go."

Hannah put her backpack on and grabbed the handle of her suitcases. Carolina followed her out of the door. They walked through the hallway. Hannah pressed the elevator button. Carolina grabbed Hannah's hand. She smiled and squeezed her cousin's hand reassuringly.

The door dinged open, and they walked to the agreed meeting spot. Christian, Joah, Gio, Chase, and their parents were already there. Christian walked over and threw his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek. She smiled and leaned her head on his chest.

"Great. Just waiting on Devyn and Stella," Kelley said.

"What's the rooming in the hotel like?" Chase asked.

"We have connected suites with 2 rooms. Each room has a queen bed," Claudio explained, "one side for the Reynas, and one side for the Pulisics. Parents and Chase will definitely get beds. The other Reyna bed is offered to Devyn. There are plenty of sofa beds in the shared living area. We thought you, Hannah, Gio, Stella, Joah, and Caro might enjoy having a sleep over situation."

"Why does Devyn get a bed offered?" Christian frowned.

"She's the next oldest," Mark shrugged.

"Why not me and Hannah?"

"Because you two made such a fuss about sharing a room on the cruise, and you two have slept together in that room all of three times," Aunt Danielle folded her arms.

Christian frowned, but Hannah laid a hand on his chest, "I think a sleepover set up sounds fun. We haven't done that in a long time."

He nodded slowly. Hannah kissed his jaw and wrapped her arms around him. She turned so that her face was buried in his chest. He hugged her tightly to him and played with the ends of her hair. His heart was beating steadily in her ear.

"I love you," she murmured.

"I love you too."

"Where are Stella and Devyn? They should've been here like five minutes ago," Kelley tsked.

Hannah turned and looked over at their parents. Mark was looking at his watch, slightly irritated, "they're usually quite punctual," Mark sighed.

"I'm surprised Christian was early," Hannah giggled.

"Hey!" Christian looked down at his girlfriend, jaw gaping.

"What? It's true! You're always late!"

"Oh, and you're not?"

"Only when I'm with you," Hannah smirked.

"Dad!" Christian whined.

"She's right," Mark shrugged.

"I'm always right!" Hannah grinned viciously.

Christian groaned and rolled his eyes while rubbing his face, "I cannot stand you."

"A bigger lie has never been told," Gio sneered.

"Oh, cuz you have a lot of room to talk? Aren't you still grounded?" Christian turned his attention to the other soccer player.

Hannah laughed and then immediately slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to cover her laugh up as a cough. Gio's jaw was hanging down. Carolina and Joah, on the other hand, had no problem belly laughing.

"Chris!" Hannah gasped.

"What? It's true!" He shrugged.

"What's true?" Devyn asked.

"That Gio is still grounded for calling Hannah a condescending b," Christian shrugged.

"I've apologised like a million times!" Gio whined.

"13, but who's counting," Hannah smirked.

"Glad you and Stell could join us," Kelley looked at her watch, "let's go."

Everyone grabbed their bags and followed the parents. They hurried off the boat. They got on to a shuttle. Hannah held on to Christian's hand tightly. He lifted their hands and kissed her knuckles. It took about 20 minutes to get to the hotel they would be staying at while they waited out the storm.

She was slightly disappointed. Hannah had been looking forward to exploring Mexico with Christian. They had both visited with their respective families, but never together.

They walked into the resort and looked around. It was a beautiful hotel. Hannah was feeling a bit better about the situation. She knew that she wanted to look around and explore with Christian. When Hannah looked up at her boyfriend, she could see that he felt the same. She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek.

Christian chuckled, "you're in a lovey mood today."


"Not complaining; just commenting," he kissed her lips quickly.

Hannah kissed him back. She smiled into his lips. He was her home. Whenever they were together, everything felt right. She placed a hand on his cheek, and he ran his fingers through her hair. Her other hand was clutching his shirt hem in her hand. They were suddenly shoved. Hannah fell backwards, her backpack breaking the fall. Christian stumbled and landed on top of her.

"If you two are quite finished," Gio looked annoyed, "we're heading up to our room."

"Giovanni!" Aunt Danielle smacked the back of his head.

"You are a glutton for punishment," Hannah glared at Gio.

"You're a glutton for punishment," Gio mocked.

Christian stood up and then held a hand out to Hannah. She grabbed his hand, and Christian helped tug her back on to her feet. Hannah started walking and made sure to whack Gio in the stomach with the back of her hand when she passed him.

"Better sleep with one eye open, G," Hannah sneered.

"You two," Uncle Claudio shook his head with a slight chuckle.

They all piled into the nearest elevator. It took a while for them to get up to the twenty-sixth floor where all the connecting suites were. Joah and Carolina ran ahead and opened the door. Hannah and Christian hurried behind them, wanting to stake out the best sofa bed.

Christian set his duffel bag on the largest sofa in the shared living space, "this is our bed."

"Why do you and Hannah get the biggest sofa?" Stella asked.

"Because we're the oldest and biggest. You and Caro will easily fit on that sofa, and Joah and Gio will be fine on that one," Christian shrugged unsympathetically.

"Han!" Stella looked at her incredulously.

"Sorry, Stell. I'm with Chris on this one."

"You two better not be nasty while we're all out here," Stella shot them a disgusted look.

"We're never living that down," Hannah sighed and shook her head.

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