Chapter 8

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Not me forgetting to publish this 🫠

June 7, 2015
Hannah's POV

"You look pretty, Hannah," Carolina smiled.

"Thanks, Caro."

"Are you excited to see Chris?"


Hannah's heart was fluttering. It was like she was going on their first date again. She smiled fondly remembering their first date. They went to the movies and then go karting. Even then, Hannah was over dressed.

She smoothed her hand over the dress she chose. It was a baby blue mini a-line fit. She paired it with her white sneakers and her favourite white denim jacket to make it less dressy. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun on the top of her head. Hannah kept her make up minimal in case there was any crying. She hoped not.

There was a knock on the door that made her jump. She gave Carolina a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, Han! Have fun!"

"Thanks Carolina. Love you."

"Love you too! Can you bring me a cupcake? Mommy won't let me have one."

"I'll see what I can do," Hannah winked as she grabbed her purse.

"Yes!" Carolina cheered.

Hannah laughed and opened the door. Christian was standing there in a baby blue polo, khaki shorts, and white sneakers. She looked him up and down with a small smile.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Good morning. These are for you," Christian held out a bouquet of red roses.

"Thank you," she smiled, "they're beautiful."

"Can I watch them while you're gone?" Carolina asked.

"Yes, you may," Hannah nodded and handed the roses to her.

"Hi, Carolina."

"Hi, Chris! Have fun!"

Christian smiled and held his hand out, gesturing for Hannah to walk in front of him. She held her purse handles with both hands as they walked to the elevator. She smiled at him.

"You look nice, Chris," she murmured as she pressed the button to go up.

"Thank you. So do you. Can I give you a hug?"

Hannah nodded. She held her arms out. They embraced each other tightly. It felt right. Her head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. His arms held her tightly against him. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through his hair.

"I missed you," he murmured.

"I missed you too."

"I love you, Princess."

"I love you too," she pulled away to look at him.

Hannah placed a hand on the side of his face and gently rubbed her thumb over his cheek. Christian's eyes closed, and he leaned into her hand. He turned his head and kissed her palm.

"I wanna kiss you," he murmured.

"What's stopping you?"

It took less than a second for Christian to connect their lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck. She had missed his touch. The kiss sent her heart fluttering. He held her hips tightly against him.

"Are you two getting in or?" A voice made Hannah jerk away.

The elevator doors were open in front of them. An annoyed looking woman was standing there with a hand on her hip. Christian grabbed Hannah's hand as they walked into the elevator. Hannah bit back her giggle. She leaned her head against Christian's arm. The door dinged open to their level, and Christian led them out.

They walked hand in hand to the restaurant. They were given a booth. Christian sat next to Hannah. She smiled and leaned into him.

Their breakfast couldn't have gone better. They laughed and chatted. It was like nothing had ever happened. Christian nuzzled Hannah's cheek.

"Are you going to come back to our room?" He murmured.

"I don't know. I kinda like rooming with Caro," Hannah rubbed the back of her neck.

Christian huffed but nodded, "okay. What do you want to do today?"

"I don't care as long as I'm with you," she murmured, leaning back into his arms.

He kissed her forehead, "I saw that they have glow in the dark mini golf. Want to do that?"

"Sure," Hannah nodded, "that sounds fun!"

"Let's go!"

"We're waiting for a cupcake for Carolina."

"Right right," he nodded.

Hannah smiled and closed her eyes. She was content being back with Christian. She hadn't realised just how much she missed him when she was taking time away. Christian had apologised for his outburst, and she had apologised for running away. 

"Alright. Here is that chocolate overload cupcake," the waitress came over.

"Thank you," Hannah smiled.

"Let's go," Christian kissed her cheek.

They stood up. Hannah grabbed the small to go bag. Christian placed a hand on her lower back. He kissed her cheek. Hannah smiled at him. It felt like everything was back to normal.

They went back to Caro and Hannah's room. She opened the door and Christian followed her in. Carolina wasn't there. Hannah put the cupcake in the fridge.

Christian wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, "hm. Look at that. An empty room."

"Down boy," she giggled and turned around, "Caro's been sleeping with me. If your room is empty, I wouldn't mind."

Christian smirked. He leaned down and picked her up around her thighs. He slung her over his shoulder and ran out of her room. He went down the hall and quickly opened up the door to his room. It was empty. Christian set her down and smirked.

"Mmm. An empty room," Hannah smirked and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Indeed. I love you, and I'm going to show you."

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