Chapter 48

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"Today is everyone's last day.."



You freeze.

You have so many questions but none of them come out.

You know you should be paying attention but you can't help but wonder...






We're all fired after today?


But why??


I still don't have the required experience yet to apply for a better job..


If I look for another restaurant, then I'll probably just start from the bottom again..


What am I going to do??


You feel worried the more you think about it.

Because you had already spent all this time learning the basics and for you to reapply and start over again??

You pretty much wasted your time here..

You try to think of a solution but nothing comes up.

But you didn't want to give up either.

Your mind is too distracted that you didn't even notice that the meeting had already ended.

You sigh and are about to walk back to your position until you hear your manager call your name.


You stop and turn to him.

"Can I have a word with you please?"

You nod.

Walking closer to his desk and stop across from his desk.

"I know you just got back from recovering...and I sincerely apologize, but I didn't think this would happen.."

You bit the inside of your cheek.

You- "I mean.....If you had planned on selling the restaurant.....Then why didn't you communicate that with us from the start??"

He sighs.

"I didn't think I was going to sell this place at all.."

You blink in confusion.

"The man who bought the property is very set on this location for some weird reason and deal was set just last night."

You look down a bit.

"And I thought I was going to have time to let everyone know of the situation and to collect the final profits before officially closing the place....But then the buyer contacted me and told me that he wanted to take over immediately and.....I'm sorry but I had to oblige."

You shake your head, feeling a bit frustrated.

You- "That's still not fair..."

Your manager looks away and nods.

"I know...I'm very sorry (Y/N)."

You look down again.

You- "So...What's going to happen?? I still don't have the experience I need to apply at the position I want..."

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