Chapter 17

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((A Few Hours Later))

"Geez! How much stuff did you even bring?!"

Your friend says as she wheels your luggage into her little home.

You- "You're only pushing ONE bag, I'm the one carrying everything else."

"Either way, I'm tired!"

You- "Yeah I know, It was a pretty long drive."

"Yeah, I'm just glad we left when we did, I HATE driving in the dark.

You- "I bet, the road does get pretty dark since the street lights here suck."

Once you both reach to the room, you began to unpack your things.

"Here, That dresser over there is for you, you can also take the half of the closet that's empty."

You- "Thank you, Good thing I didn't pack alot or else I'll have to stuff my clothes under the bed."

"At least this room is alot bigger than my room inside the house."

You- "Yeah, true.."

*Knock Knock Knock*

You two turned to the door when it opened to reveal your friend's mom.

Mom- "I heard voices and I thought I'd come and say hi."

You- "Oh hi!"

You go over to give her a hug.

You considered her your second mom, but since you've spent more time with your friend's mom than your own mom, maybe she's the first?

Either way, you care for her.

Mom- "So, almost done with High School?"

You sigh.

You- "Yeah, then I don't know what to do after that..."

Mom- "You're not going to go out of Japan?"

You- "I mean, yeah, that's going to happen no matter what but...My mom think I should take a break and travel around the world to try other foods bit I don't know....I told her I'd think about it.."

"Mom! If she says no, can I travel in her place instead?"

You scoffed and threw your pillow at her.

Mom- "If you can pay everything yourself then yes."

"Moooooom! No fair!!"

You- "They gave you the guest house, what more do you want??"

"Don't take her side!!"

She says as she throws her pillow at you.

You- "Don't hit me!!"

You laughed as you threw your pillow at her.

You two had a little pillow fight for a bit until you got tired.

"I'm hungry.."

You- "Yeah...Its been a while since we ate."

"I'll go ask my mom if dinner's almost ready."

You- "She'll probably finish faster if you help her."

"So come with me."

You- "I would love to help you cook but your mom NEVER lets me in the kitchen."

Your friend scoffs then gets up to leave the room.

"I'll be back."

You- "Okay...I'll keep unpacking."

Your friend nods then walks out the door, closing it right after.

My Guardian Angel {Tokyo Revengers~ Taiju Shiba}Where stories live. Discover now