Chapter 27

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((Sorry for not updating, I was having writer's block and I HATE when that happens 😤🤬 Also there are manga spoilers ahead so read with caution ⚠️ ⛔️ .))





**3 Weeks Later**



"So.....All this happened while I was out huh?"



"Yeah.....Crazy right?"

Mitsuya says as he sits on a chair next to Takemichi's bed while he listened.

Takemichi had woken up from his coma a few days ago, but he was still out of it so it took time for him to recover.

And when word got out that Takemichi can get visitors, everyone stormed in.

But not Mitsuya.

He had been busy with his sisters that he hadn't had the time to see how Takemichi was doing.

But after some time he managed to find the time once his sisters were at school.

Takemichi- "So how has Hakkai and Yuzuha been since then?"

Mitsuya smiles.

Mitsuya- "They're doing good, Hakkai has been staying with me but Yuzuha has been staying with a friend of hers."

Takemichi- "I'm happy to hear that....Has their home been fixed?"

Mitsuya hums.

Mitsuya- "Yeah...Taiju kept his word and had people come to fix it up almost immediately the next didn't take them that long but all could've been prevented..."

Takemichi- "It wasn't your fault Mitsuya, you shouldn't blame yourself for something that wasn't intentional."

Mitsuya sighs.

Mitsuya- "I just wished I had saved her in time..."

Takemichi nods.

Mitsuya told him that you got caught up with a group of thugs that deal with underground business.

He didn't go into detail, but it was enough for Takemichi to know that you were in danger.

Takemichi- "And (Y/N)?....How is she doing?"

Mitsuya leans forward and sighs.

Mitsuya- "Honestly....I haven't seen her at all.."

Takemichi stayed quiet.

Mitsuya- "I mean...I knew she got home safe, but I haven't gotten the chance to check up on her since that day.."

Takemichi- "Have you tried going to her house?"

Mitsuya- "I don't know where she lives now....And I've called and texted her a few times but she won't answer.."

Takemichi sighs.

Takemichi- "I hope she's doing okay..."

Mitsuya- "Yeah....Me too...Maybe I'll ask Taiju to check up on her if I see him.."

Takemichi- "Why Taiju??"

Mitsuya- "He was the one that took her home the next day, but that was the last time I've seen him too.."

Takemichi- "Maybe you should text him and ask where (Y/N) lives."

Mitsuya chuckles.

Mitsuya- "I've tried, but Taiju's not much of a texter...And he hasn't picked up any of my calls either."

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