Chapter 39

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"So what will it be?"

The cop in front of Taiju says as looks down at him.

Taiju just raised an eyebrow at his glare.

3 fucking years behind bars?

Or pay 500,000 yen.....

Are you fucking kidding me??

The fine he understands but 3 years??

Taiju didn't even kill that guy so what is he getting locked up for?

Either way, being in that small room was already exhausting enough so he'd much rather pay the fine and leave.

But then again....

Taiju- "How much?"

"I already told you the fine, its 500,000 yen."

Taiju- "I mean how much will it be to avoid the damn course...."

The cop chuckles.

"Oh, you think you can get out of it by paying for it? Well sorry to tell you buddy, but it's MANDATORY.."

Taiju's eye twitches a bit.

"The jury has seen the footage of the way you answered our questions....As well as the footage of YOU lashing out at the attacker the night of the crime, and they did NOT like what they saw...."

Taiju- "Oh?"

"So they have come to a conclusion that you will take Anger Management classes as part of your community service.."

Taiju tisks.

Taiju- "So they decided that I'M the one who needs to fix myself, and not the fucking people that verbally attacked the victim of all this? Because they saw the footage you showed ME right? Or did you cut that shit off too?"

The cop narrows his eyes at Taiju.

"Don't change the topic..."

Taiju chuckles.

Taiju- "I'm not changing the topic, I just feel I'm not the one with the fucking problem here..."

"Either way Mr. Shiba..."

The cop says between his teeth.

"The court has decided that you are required to take 50 hours of Anger Management, along with the fine.

Taiju rolls his eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh.

As much as he wants to tell them they can go fuck themselves, he knows he'll have to bite his tongue and cooperate.

That and he's too damn tired for all this.

Taiju- "Fine, whatever....Just give me my fucking shit back and I'll fucking pay it..."

"Not gonna call mom and dad for the money?"

Taiju's fists slowly tightened as he slowly stood up from his seat, making the cops around quickly place their hands on their belt and he approached the man that spoke to him.

My Guardian Angel {Tokyo Revengers~ Taiju Shiba}Where stories live. Discover now