Chapter 9

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((Two Months Later))

"Alright! Class is dismissed, great job everyone!! I'll see you all Next Wednesday."

You all pack your belongings and exit the room.

You were still backing your things when suddenly the cooking teacher spoke up.

"Miss (Y/N), may I have a word with you?"

You- "Oh yeah sure."

You then walk over to the teacher's desk.

You- "What did you want to ask me?"

"I'm just wondering but....Have you ever thought about being a chef?"

You chuckled awkwardly.

You- "Yeah, I know my cooking probably isn't the best but I aspire to be one."

"Oh sweetheart, don't put yourself down like that, have confidence in your skills. I only ask because I see how well determined you are and I can tell you're working hard for it."

You smile.

You- "Yeah...After I complete high school, I hope to apply at some of the best Culinary Schools around the world, So far I'm just taking cooking courses on the side to try and gain some experience."

"You really are working hard aren't you?"

You- " I just want to try to make myself stand out so they'd pick me, I heard they're getting stricter each year."

The teacher smiles.

"Well I know they'll pick you, you have my support, even if I never see you after this class....I'll be rooting for you."

You nod and bow your head slightly.

You- "Thank you, it means alot."

"So when will you be done with High School?"

You- "I just have one more year."

"Oh? So you're 16-17 right now?"

You- "16 yes..."

"Well its good you're getting started at a young age, experience is very important when job hunting you know."

You smile and nod.

You- "I know, that's why I'm doing all I can to get the requirements I need."

"Alright dear well I don't want to keep you, I'll see you next Wednesday."

You- "Thank you, I'll see you then."

You bow again then exit the community center.

You saw it was only 5 pm and you decided to walk around the city for a bit before heading home.

Mitsuya had invited you a few days ago to Mana's birthday party that he was going to do at his house tonight.

It was just a small little party between the friends Mana knows so you wanted to take advantage of your trip in the city to go buy her a present.

But first, you wanted to get your coffee.

You were so busy today that you needed something to help you stay awake for the party.

You didn't plan to be out long so you wanted to make the trip quick before taking the 5:30 bus back home.

You walked to the convenient store that you went to a few months back and started getting your cup of ice so you could make your iced coffee.

Once you were done, you walked to the register to pay for your cup the  headed out the door.

You were then going to turn the corner to head to a store you saw a few ways down.

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