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I woke from the noise of machines and beeping. I realized that I am lying in a hospital bed.

"How did I end up here?" I asked Vanya, who was sitting on my left.

"You fainted, we tried to wake you up, but you didn't even budge, hence the hospital." She explained in as short as possible.

"Any news of Advik?" I asked slowly.

"Not yet, Arjuna and Nikolai are working though." She said.

"That doesn't sound good." I said.

"To be honest, it is not. Sagar has taken Advik to a place where trackers don't work and we are not able to trace him." Vanya confessed.

"Can I get out of here please?" I pleaded to her, I have already spent the earlier week here, that too Advik. I don't wanna stay here.

"Sure, I will go talk to doctor." She said and went out.

I am missing him, I want him. I want his hands around my waist, kissing me, hugging me and laughing with me.

I was discharged and went back to penthouse, I said to Vanya that I wanted to be alone, first she was reluctant but gradually she understood and went to her house.

I entered the house, empty was what it was, without him. The smell lingering in the air reminding me of our first kiss and the talks we shared on the couch, how he teased me. I miss the essence of him already.

I turned around a little and saw his home office door open, I steadily went inside and sat on the chair, that too smelled like him. Tears quietly rolling down my cheeks, my eyes landed on a journal named Amara.

I opened it and started reading.

"I have this amazing girl in my life and I have so strong feelings for her, like I have never experienced before. I didn't even knew that I was capable of feeling anything other than emptiness, frustration, sad and guilty. But, she made me feel all this different emotions and I am so fallen for her. Don't really know how I am gonna confess considering I haven't really done it before but she deserves the world and I willl fucking lay it on her feet, if that is what she wants."

My tears turned into full sobs, as I turned the page and the tittle was, "IDEAS TO PROPOSE THE GIRL WHO LIGHTED UP MY LIFE."

Candle light dinner, naah too ordinary.

Maybe, a long drive. (Nope, commented by Arjun.)

And the list went on, I really wasn't able to believe this guys, putting so much effort just to confess to me. God, I love him. It will soon be 24 hours and I don't wanna lose him too, like I did my parents.

My cell rang forcing me out of my sobs.

"Yes Arjun?" I asked.

"Sagar just sent a picture of Advik, I have forwarded it to you." He said. I quickly opened it and saw him.

Blood strained his white shirt around his shoulder, and he was tied up in chains. My heart twisted in knots seeing him like that, and what's more saddening is that I am helpless, I can't fucking do anything.

Wait a minute, who said I couldn't do anything. I immediately called Arjun and told him to pick me up, he was very reluctant but one word and he was here.

"What are you planning?" He asked giving me a side eye, considering that I blackmailed him into entering me and Vanya into their underground office. All the men were watching me like a hawk.

"Come on boys, it's not the time to stare. We got work to do." I said clapping my hands.

"Nikolai and Arjun see this, this is a sign SS, which is apparently Sagar's tattoo or signature, I don't care but this sign is engraved only at one place." I said and all the three narrowed their eyes at me.

"Vanya, do you remember that mansion he had, outer of Bangalore, next to highway, that is private property and no one is allowed." She nodded.

"That mansion only has SS engraved in it's interiors, it was Sagar's grandfather who did it. That mansion has a basement and I vaguely remember Sagar telling me that the ground of mansion are not traceable." I said and their eyes widened in shock.

"Holy shit Amara." Vanya said.

"So, I did my work and now the plan to attack?" I asked looking between Nikolai and Arjun, they seemed to be in some sort of eye conversation.

"Just to be clear, I am coming with you both." I said breaking their eye contact.

"No Amara, it is too dangerous." Nikolai said.

"So what? I am not afraid and Advik is my fiancé." I said, the three eyed me.

"Okay, I love him and I can't let him leave me." I said in a slow voice for only them to hear.

"Okay, then lead the way." Arjun said, and Nikolai sighed.

"We are gonna do operation Sweet Surrender." I said with a smirk, a perfect plan cooking up in my mind.

"Elaborate please." Nikolai said crossing his arms.

"First divide four teams." I said and Nikolai did.

"Now, people who are good with knives, go behind me and the one with guns, line up behind Nikolai." They did as told.

I thoroughly made them understand the plan and we set out for some action.

Heyyy guyysss!!! This novel is so close to the end. I hope you guys enjoyed and vote for Amara and Advik, I know you love them, even I do so much.

Byeee, see ya, take care and keep smiling.

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