"Are you alright, Rosie?" Esme asked, seeing that Rosalie wasn't as curious or happy about this ride as she was before, "you seem a little quiet."

"I think something's wrong with Serafina. But she won't tell me what." Rosalie sighed, "Do you think it's me? She only became this way when she moved in. Maybe she doesn't like staying with us? With me." She trailed off, crossing her arms and playing with her hair.

"What? That's crazy. Of course, she likes staying with you!" Esme comforted.

"Does she? Maybe she wasn't ready. She rushed to live with us because I was pressuring her. She probably hates me." She groaned, moving her hands to her face.

"She doesn't hate you. She can't hate you. Have you asked her what's wrong?" Esme asked.

"Yes, she keeps insisting it's nothing, and she'll put a big smile on her face," she explained, "but then she doesn't want to be with me."

"She says she doesn't want to be with you?" Esme asked, taken aback.

"Well, no. She told me to enjoy myself and pushed me to come with you. But she didn't come with me! She always comes with me. I like when she's with me." She finished sadly.

"I noticed. You two have been joined at the hip since she got here," Esme smiled fondly, "I'll check on her. See if I can find out why she's been withdrawn." She offered.

"No, thank you. I don't want her to think I'm gossiping about her behind her back." Rosalie answered.

Esme gave her a slight look.

"Well, I don't want her to know I'm talking about her behind her back," Rosalie rolled her eyes, "I think I just needed to get it off my chest. I'll try to speak with her again later."

The two sat in silence as they continued their drive. Due to Rosalie's dour mood, they were going around less than they had the days before. Esme was concerned but knew the two needed to figure things out independently.

Back in the forest, Jasper sat on a downed tree, and Edward leaned against a standing one as they watched Serafina raze the forest. She made a small trail and debated extending it to the Cullen residence. While she stood and debated with herself on whether to continue or stop, she suddenly remembered Jasper's words.

"I'm making her sad?" she suddenly exclaimed, startling the two men.

"What?" Edward asked.

She ignored him as she turned to Jasper, "You said I've been making her sad with how I've been acting?"

"Ye-Yes," he stuttered, looking up at her as she stood over him. He was slightly confused but still reasonably sure he knew what she was talking about.

Serafina hung her head. Upset at the fact that she hurt her mate's feelings. She raised her head and smacked her forehead, "I'm an idiot." She sighed, "I just didn't want her to know I was jealous. She's so smart. She'd easily figure out why if I told her. It would ruin the surprise! Ugh! What do I do?" she began pacing, trying to think of a solution.

SeraphOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora