Another Funeral

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Anthony's POV:
It's been two weeks since the shootings. Ian and I have been checking up on Mari and Lasercorn, just to make sure they are doing okay. Ian's doing better, well from what I can tell. He only sometimes has nightmares. But I love him, and I will support him through the rough times.

I lie staring up at the ceiling in my room. Ian's curled up next to me and my arm is trapped under him. I don't want to wake him. I turn my head to look at the clock. Midnight. We should be getting up. Today we have to make a five and a half hour drive to LA for Sohinki and Eleanor's funeral. Eleanor's is first at eleven and then Sohinki's is at twelve. They are both at the same place and then we are going to a joint wake. I'm not sure who's going to be at Eleanor's funeral because her family is dead, maybe friends and distant relatives. I shove Ian off my arm and he groans. Quickly, I slip out of bed and I have a shower. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and Ian grins evilly. Before he can say or do anything I run into my room and get dressed. I soon hear Ian's stupid, but cute, singing in the shower. Jeez, I love that man.
Soon we are dressed and ready to go. Ian carries a small suitcase, containing our overnight clothes as we are staying at Mari's. He throws it into the trunk and we start the long drive to LA.

Ian holds the map awkwardly as we try and find the church. We have been going round in circles for the past hour and at this rate, we are going to be late.
"Just use your phone!" I yell at Ian.
"It's out of battery."
"Use mine." I throw him my phone and it rings.
"Hi, Mari ... Yeh, we are just trying to find the church ... Okay ... Thanks bye." He glares at me unamused. "She said it's the same church we had Joven's funeral at. Not this one, dummy."
"What? That's at the other end of town, we will never make it in time." I say, eyeing the clock.
"Well, you better step on it. I don't want to explain to Lasercorn why we are late." Ian gruffly says.
I quickly turn around causing a lot of cars to honk noisily at me and shout abuse.
"Jackasses!" Ian shouts back, shoving his middle finger up.
I chuckle, and we speed to the funeral.

We arrive a couple of minutes late and we quickly sit down on a bench at the back. Mari looks over at us and taps her watch. I shrug and she turns around focusing her attention on the service. After they lay Eleanor's coffin in the ground we head back to the church for Sohinki's funeral.
After his service has ended Mari, Lasercorn, Ian and I head to a restaurant and we have a fancy meal. Ian looks down nervously at all the knives, forks and spoons.
"Which one do I use first?" Ian asks.
"Anthony! You've never treated Ian to a fancy meal?" Mari asks shocked
I shake my head. I can't believe it.
"I prefer pizza, sat on the couch snuggling up to Anthony and then when we finish ..." Ian starts sensing how awkward I am.
"Okay, okay. We don't need to hear about your sexy time." Lasercorn chuckles.
A young woman hands us some menus and takes our drinks order.
"We'll have a bottle of champagne and four glasses, please." Mari says.
I look over at her shocked. She's getting champagne? But that's like expensive. After the waitress leaves, she looks over at our surprised faces.
"What? My mom and dad are paying for everything, the meal that is. So I thought we should have ourselves a fancy dinner." She giggles.
Ian rolls his eyes at the menu.
"Where's the pizza?" He asks.
"You can have a calzone?" Lasercorn says.
"What the hell is a calzone?"
Lasercorn sighs. "It's a fancy pizza. Just have it."
Ian agrees and we order. Mari orders Sohinki's favourite food even though she hates it. Apparently, she never tried it but she told Sohinki she would. When the food arrives she pushes the snails on her plate in circles. We egg her on causing dirty looks to be shot our way. Mari grins and holds her nose as she places a snail in her mouth.
"Ew, it's so chewy." She squeals with a fave of disgust printed on her. "But it tastes like chicken." She smiles and eats the rest of them.
"I thought it was frog's legs that tasted like chicken." Ian whispers to Lasercorn and me.
"It is." Lasercorn says.
We watch Mari eat her whole plate and she smiles happily.
"Come on guys eat up. Parks and Recreation is on at nine and I haven't recorded it." She smirks, dabbing a tissue at the corners of her mouth.
Ian, Lasercorn and I eat up quickly and we leave. Lasercorn catches a cab home and we walk. When we get home Mari runs to the bathroom and I hear her being sick.
"Guys, I'm going to bed. Those snails have upset my stomach. You guys okay on the couch?"
We nod and smile as she goes to bed.
"Well, she took today better than I expected!" Ian says jumping onto the couch. "But it's strange to see Joven's flat so neat and tidy." Ian laughs.
We get unchanged and grab some blankets before laying down. I rest my head on Ian's bare chest as he falls asleep. It takes me longer to get to sleep because I keep worrying about Lasercorn, I hope he got home okay.

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