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Anthony's POV:
I watch Ian go through the door and into his new ward. The back of his hair is sticking up, but I'm not going to tell him. I chuckle to myself and walk to the exit. I don't want to leave Ian by himself, but I have no choice. I get into my car and drive to the nearest B&B.

I open the heavy door and a blast of heat hits me like a ton of bricks. I walk to the counter and peer over at the young lady sat there.
"Excuse me... are there any free rooms for one night?"
She looks up and smiles.
"Well, I don't believe my eyes. You're that YouTuber, Anthony, from Smosh." She extends her hand and I shake it. "There is a room free, number four." She says sitting back down.
"How much?"
"Well... because you are my, like, most favourite person in the whole world, you can have it free. But don't tell my mom." She winks at me and throws me the keys.
"Thanks" I smile. "Where is the room?"
"Oh..." She snaps from a daydream. "Up the stairs and second door on the left. Have a nice night."
I walk up the stairs and to my room. It's a medium size room with a double bed. It has a small wardrobe with a door next to it, which leads into the bathroom. I fall back onto the bed and take a deep breath. Finally, out of that damn hospital. I check the time and decide to phone Lasercorn.
"Hey, dude."
"Hiya, Anthony!"
I can hear gaming noises in the background.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favour."
"Sure." He pauses. "What is it? Does it require me to kill anyone?"
"No... Can you go to our house and grab me some clothes, a clean pair of boxers, my toothbrush and brush?"
"Fine... But are you sure you don't want me to kill anyone? Cause you know..." I hear him giggle.
"The keys are under the mat. And can you bring them to 'Pond View B&B' room four."
"Sure. How's Ian?"
"He's doing better. I'll tell you more when you come."
"See ya. I'll be about thirty minutes to an hour."
"Yeh, I'll be here. Oh, wait, before you go can you grab us a takeaway? I will pay you back, and we can share it."
"Cool, Indian?"
"Yeh anything, I'm starving."
"Ok. See ya later alligator."
"In a while crocodile." I hear him giggling as I end the call.
It feels good to hear Lasercorn's voice. I stretch my arms and move further in the bed. I close my eyes and imagine Ian's face when he comes out of hospital.

I open my eyes to a banging sound, I look at the clock. It's only been five minutes since I called Lasercorn, surely, he hasn't arrived already. I stand up and open the door. Melanie? I haven't seen her since Ian broke up with her.
"Melanie, what are you doing here?" I scratch the back of my neck in confusion.
"I came to see you. May I come in?" She asks timidly.
I nod, she walks in and sits on the bed. Her eyes are smudged with mascara. She looks ill.
"Are you ok?" I ask sitting down next to her.
She tries to say something but breaks down crying. I put my arm over her shoulder and hug her.
"What's wrong?" I have never seen Mel like this, normally she's bubbly and smiley.
"It has been ... so lonely ... since Ian left. I just want someone to talk to. Someone to comfort me."
"And you came to me?"
"Well, yeh. You have been a great friend to me and Ian."
"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything to make you feel better."
"Kiss me."
"Wait, what?"
She leans in pushing me onto my back and slams our lips together. I try to push her off, but she kneels on my arms. She tries to stick her tongue down my throat, but I manage to push her off. She falls to the floor and moans in pain. She just lies there. Maybe I hurt her? I bend down to see if she's ok, but she kicks me in the nuts. I keel over and close my eyes, trying to stop the tears. I bring my knees up to my chest. Shit, she's strong. She leans over me again and carries on kissing me. I'm too numb to struggle. I look at the door. Where are you Lasercorn? Come on. I hear a key slide into the lock and the door pushes open. Lasercorn stands in the doorway, mouth open wide with shock. He drops the food and clothes on the floor and runs to us. He pulls Mel off me and shoves her out the room. He closes the door. I grip the bed sheets and try to stand up. I clutch my balls which are stinging in pain.
"She kicked your teeny boys?"
I give him a death glare and he throws his hands in the air in mock surrender.

The Stars in his Eyes (a Smosh fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum