Waking up

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Anthony's POV:
I don't know how long I've been like this. Stuck in a dream. But over the last, let's say 5 hours, I have begun to move my toes and fingers. I yawn. Wait, I yawned that means I'm waking up! I force my legs to move and I scrunch up my already closed eyes. Then I make my hands move, just little stretches. I feel a soft hand brush my hair from my face. Ian. I want to speak to him, but I can only listen as he feeds me reassuring words. He runs his hand down my bruised side, making me flinch. Noticing this, Ian shouts for someone to come. I know I must wake up now. I struggle to open my eyes and when I finally do, the lights blind me for one moment. My eyes get used to the light and I see Ian's handsome but tired face staring at me. My ribs hurt and so does my face, but the pain is worth it to see Ian's smiling face.

I warily glance around the strangely clean room and see people dressed in white uniforms running about.
"Hey, dude." Ian softly says.
I look at him confused. "Why am I in hospital?" I ask, trying to sit up.
Ian runs towards me and carefully pushes me back.
"You silly little boy." He laughs, then goes serious. "My birthday, you got drunk and had a fight with Joven, some of your ribs are broken. Then because you never drink, but suddenly drank so much your body couldn't take it. I got worried at how many times you were sick and rushed you here. Then when you fell unconscious I got scared." He tries to carry on, but I grab his shirt and pull him down towards me kissing his soft lips.
He smiles and so do I. It feels good to have Ian's lips on mine again, my whole body feels warm with happiness.
"Please, don't leave me." I beg him.
"I won't. The nurse moved my bed in here, so I can be with you." He smiles at me.
I turn my head to look at the clock, even though every time I move it hurts my ribs. It's eleven thirty and Ian's eyes start to close then flutter open in order to stay awake.
"You can go to sleep, you know." I smile at him and stroke his hair.
"Ok, but first I need to tell you something. I saw Kalel today, here. So, I asked the nurse to monitor the people coming in and out and to only let me and staff in here."
"What? She's back?" I lean on my arms.
Ian nods his head. He walks to his bed and snuggles under the covers and I watch as his blue eyes slowly disappear.

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