Fire Kills in Minutes

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Ian's POV:
I notice Anthony walking into the kitchen, with his eyes still closed. I chuckle and toss the pancakes.
"I smell pancakes." Anthony moans, rubbing his eyes.
"Yep, and they will have your favourite toppings on." I smile.
He sits on the sofa and turns on the TV. I finish the pancakes, put them on a plate and sprinkle icing sugar and fruit over them.
"So, I thought we would film a game-time today, is that cool with you?" I ask sitting down next to him.
He grabs his plate and immediately starts eating.
"Sure." He pauses. "We should tell the fans about Joven."
I nod, hoping they will take it ok.
"Hey, at the party last night, was it just me or did Lasercorn have his eyes on Eleanor?"
He glances at me; a slice of pancake hangs off his fork, inches from his mouth.
"I noticed that too. And when he said she could stay with him, I knew." He shoves the rest of the pancake in his mouth and I do the same.
"I'm going to get dressed. I want to film this ASAP. Plus, I don't want to stay late editing."

I walk to the shower and quickly wash myself. After showering, I amble to my room with a towel wrapped around my waist and I see Anthony leaning against his bedroom wall already dressed. He grins and looks down at the towel.
"Don't even think about it." I laugh running into my room and locking the door.
I whip off the towel and grab the first item of clothing I lay my hands on. I walk out of my room and into the garage where Anthony is waiting in my car. I jump in and turn on the engine. Immediately Anthony puts on Miley Cyrus.
"Dude?" I whine giving him the death stare.
He just ignores me and songs louder. I sigh knowing I'm going to have to put up with this.

"See you next week, guys!" We wave bye and blow kisses to the camera.
"I'm going to stay and edit, you can go home." I say stretching and yawning.
"How you gonna get home?" Anthony looks at me worried as he slides on his jacket.
"I'll call you!" I laugh pushing him out the door.
"Dude, it's like eleven are you sure you want to stay, you are the only one left?"
"Ohh, are the costumes gonna get me? I might pee my pants." I say, pretending to be scared.
He kisses me goodbye and I watch him step into the elevator.
I sit back down and get on with editing.

I soon finish editing, not long after ten and phone Anthony to pick me up.
"Hey, I'm finished. Can you come pick me up?"
"I might be an hour. Because I'm still stuck in traffic."
"Why is there traffic at this hour?"
"There's been a crash. So, is an hour ok?"
"That's fine. I found some old videos that Joven never posted, so I'm gonna watch them until you get here."
"Alright. See ya."
"Bye." I end the call and get comfortable in my seat.

I glance at my watch; an hour had passed, and Anthony still hasn't turned up. I've finished watching all the videos and I need to pee. I open the office door and walk to the bathroom. I take a piss and as I'm washing my hands I hear a bang. Slowly, I walk out of the bathroom and look round. No one is here, probably my imagination. I shrug and walk back to the office.
Yawning, I lie down on the couch and close my eyes. Hoping this will make time go faster.

I wake up suddenly, and it feels like my lungs are filled with water. I cough and rub my eyes. All I can see is smoke. I cough violently and shake. I open the office window and close the door, blocking the crack at the bottom with my jacket. When I touch the door, it feels hot. Fire! The fire must be close. I grab my phone and text Anthony quickly. I lie low on the floor, but more smoke is coming through the door than is leaving through the window. The smoke cloys round me, and I close my eyes to stop them stinging. I look in my trouser pockets to find my inhaler. Wait. It's in my car. Damn. I pull my knees close to my chest and I re-close my eyes. Tears slip out. I'm going to die, here, in the office. I'm going to burn to death. The smoke is thick, and I can't see my hand in front of me. The last thing I see is the fire punching itself through the door and I feel the heat blast over me.

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