Honeymoon Hell

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Ian's POV:
"Okay, so the first activity is 'Escaping from Traps'. Each of you will be tied up with a different rope. You will have three types of methods to get out. Last one back here will have to face a forfeit. You will know when to start when you hear a horn. Okay?" Alaska explains.
"Sure." I look at Anthony who yawns.
It's nine o'clock in the morning and we are already doing activities. Nobody told us that breakfast was at seven, so we missed it.
"Right, I'll drop you guys off at different places and tie you up."
"How much forest is there?" Mari questions.
"300 acres. So, it's pretty big. But, I won't be using the whole forest."

We walk through the woods and eventually Alaska stops at a big oak tree with a red E.
"Eleanor, this is where you are going to be tied up."
She makes Eleanor stand with her back resting on the tree. Alaska wraps a long thick rope around the tree and Eleanor, tying it with a complicated looking knot.
"Oh, by the way, some of these knots come undone by just pulling them, others tighten if you pull them. Also, there are going to be traps so watch out." She puts a knife in the back of Eleanor's belt. "Can you guys start moving that way? I need to have a word with Eleanor."
We start walking but I turn around just in time to see Alaska putting a gag in her mouth. That's new.
"Right, come on guys, you don't want to be out here in the dark." Alaska shouts running ahead of us.

We all get dropped off in an order of standing, sitting, standing, sitting and so on. I am the last person to be tied up.
"Now, Ian, I've told everyone else this. Don't go to find anyone, just get to the finish line." She smiles and gags me.
Alaska sprints off and soon I hear the horn. Immediately, I try and get the knife just past my foot. Fortunately, I manage to get it and I try and cut myself loose. In the distance I see Anthony running towards me.
"Dude, she gagged you?"
I nod.
"Okay, one sec."
He rips the duct tape from my mouth.
"Bitch! That hurt!"
Then he cuts me loose, we run further into the woods. Shortly, we stumble upon Sohinki; who's struggling with a knife. We untie him.
"Do you know where we are supposed to be going?" He pants.
"Nope, I think somewhere that way." I point to a clearing.
We jog for a bit and then we rest on some rocks.
"I think we should carry on going this way, then if we don't find her we will try and find the others." Anthony sighs.
"Good plan, Anthony. I kinda want to find Mari before dark, though."

We run for what seems like forever, and we eventually see familiar surroundings. Then I see her and from this distance, she looks like ... like Kalel.
"Guys, stop." I hold my arms out.
"What?" Anthony and Sohinki say at the same time.
"It's her."
"Who?" Sohinki looks at me confused.
"No, that's Alaska." They laugh.
"No, look. It's definitely Kalel. I knew I'd seen her before."
"Oh my god." Anthony goes pale and falls to the ground. "How could I have not noticed it?"
I bend down next to him and pat his back.
"Has she got a gun?"
I stand up and look.
"She has. Is she a fricking psycho?" I grit my teeth.
"Guys, we need to find everyone else." Anthony stands up and runs his hands through his hair.
We dive to the ground when we hear a gunshot. I look up and a tree where I was standing has a bullet hole.
"She's shooting at us!"
We hear a scream.
"Mari?" Sohinki shouts.
We turn to the rough direction of the sound and we are about to run when Kalel walks in front of us holding a shotgun.
"Going somewhere? You have reached the finish line."
"Kalel-" Anthony starts.
"Don't." She comes closer, just inches from his face. "Relax." She grins, smashing their lips together.
I turn away.
"Just like old times." She pulls away smiling.
"No, Kalel not like old times." He says disgustedly wiping his mouth
"Sure it is." She points the gun at me. "Ian, over there, with your back against the tree."
I put my hands up and walk over to the tree.
"You too, Sohinki."
He joins me.
"Kalel, what do you want?" Anthony's voice starts to shake.
"You, Anthony. Can't you see that?" She throws her hands in the air. "And there is one tiny roadblock."
"What's that? Me not loving you?"
"No. Him!" She points the gun at me.
I glance at Anthony, scared to death.
"Kalel. Ian and I aren't even ... errr ... dating anymore."
Everyone looks at him confused.
"That's right, Kalel, I broke up with him. He's still in love with you, all the time he babbled on about you." I carry on the lie.
She lowers the gun.
We nod, Anthony puts his arm around her.
"I don't believe you." She points the gun at me.
Everything goes like a blur. First, I hear the sound of the gunshot. Then I see Anthony's face fall. I prepare myself for the blast, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes and by Anthony's reaction I know why I wasn't hit. I look down at the floor, and Sohinki stares at me lifeless. My tears fall on his face as I crumble to the ground.

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