The Apology (part 2)

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Anthony's POV...
I wake up cuddling a sleeping Ian. My left arm is trapped under Ian and pins and needles shoot up it as I move from under him. Straining my neck, I glance towards the clock and abruptly sits up; pushing Ian off the bed with a loud thump.
"Ow, what the hell?" Ian slurs sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry, but we're going to be late."
I frantically get up and slip on a pair of jeans and my food battle 2013 top.
"Late for what?" Ian asks, looking up at me with those blue eyes I adore.
"We need to shoot the newest Smosh video."
I hold out my hand to help him up.
"Oh crap! Yeh, meet me in my car. I'll drive, and we can grab breakfast on the way."
Ian jumps up, ignoring my outstretched hand, and runs to his room. With a shrug, I take a quick trip to the bathroom before heading to the garage.

Ian eventually gets into the car and I confess something that has been bothering me for a while. I explain how Kalel has been spamming me with abusive messages. I've blocked her, but she keeps on managing to message me.
"Throw your phone out of the window when we're on the highway." Ian suggests.
"Dude, how will people contact me?" I stare at him in shock and amusement at his suggestion.
"I'll text everyone. It's clearly the only way to stop Kalel from texting you and I bet it will feel really good." He grins at me with those dreamy blue eyes.
How can I say no to them?
"Fine, but you do it, I've had too many good memories with this phone." I hug it close to my chest and pretend to cry.
I pass my phone over to Ian, who winds down his window and throws my phone out. I hear it smash as it comes in contact with the tarmac.
"There!" Ian says, wiping his hands. "No more Kalel in our lives."
"Well, until she comes knocking on our door again." I stare down at my hands. "I can't believe you threw my phone out of the window."
"How about on the way back we go to the phone store and get you a new phone."
I can't help but feel bad that I haven't told Ian about the package Kalel sent. Maybe I should tell him, I hate keeping secrets from Ian. I am snapped out of my trace, by Ian ordering our food. We cram it into our mouths as we pull into the set.

12 hours later...
"After a long day of filming, I'm hecka glad to get home and strip down to my boxers for cuddles on the couch." Ian says, jumping up and down like a fangirl.
"Calm down, dude. Let's get changed and snuggle, I have something important to tell you."
Ian looks at me suspiciously before going to get changed.
"Ready." Ian says as he slumps onto the couch. "So, what did you want to tell me?"
I stare into his blue eyes as they pierce into me and debate whether I should tell him. I shake my head and man up.
"Come on, dude, tell me!" Ian desperately demands.
"Well, Kalel sent us a box. So, I opened it." I glance at Ian and gulp. "Inside was a letter going on about how much she loves me. Anyway, I looked under the letter and saw a knife..."

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