Not Caring

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Ian's POV...
I am woken up by a loud banging on the front door. Who is getting me up at this time? If it's that stupid mailman I am going to flip. As I open the door I realise that I am still in my boxers and its too late to get changed. Now my mailman is going to see me in my boxers, great!
"What?" I grumble, rubbing the stray sand from my eyes.
"Hey, er ..." Anthony mumbles, his brown eyes moving down to my boxers and then darting back to my face.
"Oh, er, hey dude. I thought you were the stupid mailman. So, what's up?" I question.
"Can I come in? We need to talk." Anthony worriedly exclaims.
"Sure." I smile, opening the door wider so he can come in.

I make us a cup of hot chocolate and slouch down on the couch next to him. Thousands of memories seep through my mind, like melted butter, of back when he used to live here. I grin to myself as I remember jumping on his side of the couch to make it lower. That was before Kalel came into our lives and took Anthony from his friends.
"So, what's up?" I ask, blowing the top of my drink.
"Er ... well ..." He scratches the back of his neck, something Anthony does when he's anxious. "I kinda need to move back in."
I spit hot chocolate all over my undies and bare legs, not caring about the scorching pain as it sinks in what Anthony just said. Does this mean he's split up with Kalel?
"Whoa, dude, if you don't want me to move back in just say instead of burning your legs off." Anthony chuckles, standing up and grabbing the many unused Lunchtime with Smosh napkins.
"Of course, you can move back in. But, you better get used to seeing my dick, I've kinda got used to walking around the house naked." I joke.
"What?" Anthony stares at me like I've got three heads.
"It's a joke, dude, calm down." I laugh. "I kept your room how you like it. But, what's the catch?"
I have to ask. I thought that he was going to move in with Kalel today. He moved most of his stuff to hers.
He stares at his lap. "Well, I found out that Kalel has been cheating on me." He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
"That's awful!" I reply, wide-eyed with shock. "Why the hell would she do that?"
However, the feeling of shock is soon pushed away with happiness. This means he will be the same old Anthony I know and love again.
"I don't know and on valentine's day as well." He looks up at me with a bright smile. "Do you mind giving me a lift to Kalel's so I can pick up my car and stuff?"
"Sure, I mean, I am your best friend and that's what I'm here for."

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