A meeting (short)

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Melanie's POV:
She told me to meet her behind the B&B where Anthony is currently staying at 5:00pm. It's cold as I walk into the back garden. I sit down at a bench and wait for her. A branch snaps behind me and I turn around quickly. Kalel. She steps out of the shadows.
"You came. I didn't think you would have the guts." She smiles like she has accomplished something.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Well, Melanie, it's more what I can do for you. You remember Ian breaking up with you."
I nod, and tears start to form in my eyes. He was the love of my life. But Smosh and Anthony took him away from me.
"I can help you get revenge."
"Don't you think that's a bit drastic?"
"I prefer to think of it as 'Revenge is best served cold'. I just want to help you, Mel."
"Ok, I will do whatever you want me to."
"Good. I want you to go in there, to room four, find Anthony. Start to break down, talk about missing Ian and you want comfort. Kiss him and Anthony will do the rest. He's probably begging for girl contact. I can't imagine Ian gives him much. Act like you don't know Ian and Anthony are together. Ok."
I nod.

Ian's going to hate me for this. But like Kalel said, 'Revenge is best served cold'. I grin evilly and apply some red lipstick. I rub my eyes and turn on the waterworks. Unbuttoning the top three buttons of my shirt, I walk into the B&B and find room four.

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