Coming out

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Ian's POV...
I pull out the Just Dance game, grinning cheekily. I can't wait. If Anthony and I lose, we can do a romantic duet together. Also, we need to tell Mari, Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn about us. I stare at Anthony and tell him my plan.
"Ok, so we need to tell the guys about us being together. Even though it's going to ruin Iancorn." I sadly add.
"Yeh, I used to get so jealous when you two were dancing." Anthony admits. "Anyway, I agree we need to tell them. But, after we have finished filming."
"Dude, if we dance really bad then we can do the duet together. If we go last, we will surely lose." I smirk, proud of my lightbulb moment.
"What should the forfeit be?"
I think for a moment. "How about we have to dress up in a tight belly top and short shorts. What do you want to dance to?" I ask, chuckling at the thought of Anthony and I dressed up in that outfit.
"What about A Thousand Years, you know the one from Twilight?" Anthony looks up from his phone with a smug expression.
"I can't wait." I smile, thinking about the two of us dancing together.

We arrive on the dot at three pm at the Smosh Games HQ; as Anthony and I call it. Mari is the first one here and is setting up the cameras and mics.
"Hey, guys." She says without looking up. "Can you help me? Anthony can you get drinks for everyone. Ian can you set up the game and write down the names of the dances and put them in a hat." She instructs.
"Sure." Anthony grins, looking at me and biting his lip.
I just want to kiss him right now, but I can't as Mari is in the room. I walk over to him and whisper in his ear, making sure he remembers the plan. He nods at Mari, who has stood up with her hands on her hips.
"Oi, lazy bones, get to work. Joven is going to be late, so he's going to do the editing." Mari mutters, throwing us a weird look.
At that moment, Sohinki and Lasercorn walk in.
"Ready for so more Iancorn action"? Lasercorn grins wildly.
Ha! He doesn't know, so I just nod with a toothy smile. I feel bad for keeping a secret this big from my best friends.
"Hey, guys! You ready to dance?" Joven exclaims as he walks into the room.
"Let's shoot this shit!" Cries Anthony.

Joven goes first with Bad Romance, then Mari dances to What does the Fox say? Sohinki chooses I like to move it and then Lasercorn goes with Mama Mia. Anthony is second to last and dances to Only love can hurt like this and last but not least, I pick the Macarena. Anthony keeps score and Joven sucked so hard that we had to do even worse.

"Ok, guys the two people with the lowest score are going to dress up in sexy outfits and dance to a thousand years." Anthony tells the camera.
He reads out the scores.
"So, the two lowest scores are Ian and Anthony." Sohinki announces.
"Write the Ianthony fan-fic!" Mari chimes.
Anthony and I head off to get changed in the toilets. Anthony is dressed before me, so I spin out of the stall and finish in a sexy pose. Anthony walks up to me and kisses my lips.
"Ready for some sexy dancing?" Anthony raises an eyebrow.
"Hell yeh!"

The Stars in his Eyes (a Smosh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now