A New Door Opens

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Anthony's POV:
"Why did I agree to do this?" I whine, sitting in the taxi on the way to the hospital. "No matter how much I try and hate him I will always love him. Is that crazy?"
"Yes ... But you still love each other, that's why you're doing this, dumbass!"
The thought sinks into my head and we soon pull up at the hospital. Lasercorn pays the cab driver and we quickly run to Ian's ward. Emily greets us at the entrance.
"Did Ian tell you we were coming?"
"Nope, I knew you would though."
She walks us to his door. My hand hovers over the silver panel that's waiting for me to push it.
"I don't think I can."
"Come on, you can get through this."
I stare at him, sigh, and push the door open. Ian stands by the window, one arm rests on the glass. He turns and looks at us, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy from crying.
"Anthony!" His arms embrace me, and I don't know how to react.
I pat his back and he lets go of me. Who am I kidding? I love this man, no matter what happens between us.
"Listen, no matter how many times I apologise to you and if you forgive me, I will never forgive myself for being such a stupid son of a bitch. But, I believe you and at this moment that's all that matters."
"Why do you suddenly believe me now? I never ..."
A recording of two familiar voices drowns out my words. Lasercorn looks shocked and in this light looks ill, as though he will collapse at any moment. The recording ends and Ian glances at me lovingly.
"Anthony, will you forgive me for being such a dick? And Lasercorn, for me dragging you from your life and into this mess?"
I don't know why I stuttered. Maybe the fact that my – our - life could be back on track. I look up and smile at him. I walk closer to him and grab his hands in mine, our lips connect and electricity sparks between us. I feel Ian smile into the kiss, like old times.
"Erm, sorry to break the moment but Ian can go home tomorrow. Anthony, you can stay here for the night." Emily glances at Lasercorn.
He sighs and cracks his back.
"Right, I'm going now. Do you want me to tell Joven, Sohinki, and Mari the good news?"
I pull Ian into the side of me and throw my arm around his waist.
We walk him to the end of the ward and wave goodbye.
"One sec, let me get you a bed."
"Oh, I don't think he'll be needing one." Ian grins cheekily at me.
"Ok, well I'll be off too. See ya."
We walk back to the room. Ian drags me onto the bed and we start kissing passionately. He slips my top off and I do the same to him. I run my cold hands down his front and I smile when he shivers. I pull both our pants off leaving our boxers on. Our tongues collide, and this new sensation feels good. We are both sweaty with tension when we finish. We get under the cover and snuggle. He puts his head on my chest his hair tickling me. I shift to a comfier position and, once again, wrap my arms around his waist. I close my eyes and the thought that we can go home tomorrow soothes me and Ian's soft snoring puts me to sleep.

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