The Talk

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  • Dedicata a Ian Hecox

Anthony's POV...
I sit in the passenger seat of Ian's car as he drives us to Kalel's house. I'm dreading going in there, she's probably with him; whoever he is. I'm sure Ian will come in with me, he seems overjoyed with me moving back in. I guess he's been lonely.
"Hey, thanks for coming with me it means a lot." I say with sincerity. "But can I ask you for one more favour?"
He nods, not taking those dreamy blue eyes off the road. Wait, why am I thinking of him like this? He's my best friend.
"Could you come in with me? I don't want to face her alone."
"Sure, dude. Anything for you." Ian replies with a huge grin.
Anything for you. What does that mean? Am I reading into this too much? Does this bowl haired idiot want something more from our relationship? Who am I kidding? He's not an idiot, he's the nicest person I know. I watch as Ian run a hand through his hair and I throw him a cheesy grin. Glancing at me, he cocks his head and raises an eyebrow. Damn, he looks sexy when he does that. I chuckle to myself and remind him to watch the road.
"What you looking at?" He smirks. "Can't get enough of this sexy body?"
I burst out into uncontrollable laughter as he attempts to act sexy. My laughter stops when we pull up outside Kalel's house. I don't make a move for the door, I just remain seated.
"Go on, get out." Ian smiles sympathetically. "I'm not waiting all day."
He gets out of the car and I follow, feeling more confident with him here.
Gulping, I knock on the door and wait for the door to open. Eventually, a tear-stained Kalel peeks around the door, breaking down into tears as her eyes land on me.
"Anthony, I am so sorry." She sobs pathetically. "Please forgive me. I never meant for you to get hurt."
I ignore her pleas and step over her with Ian trailing behind like a lost puppy. We grab the cardboard boxes filled with my things and load them into our cars. I take one last trip inside to collect Pip. As I'm putting him into his basket, Kalel comes up to me.
"What are you doing?" She growls, the crocodile tears gone.
"He's my cat. I'm taking him home." I snap back, walking out of the door and slamming it in her face.

Ian is waiting for me by his car, leaning on the blue bonnet. I tell him that I'll follow him back and he starts driving. Taking one last look at the house, I see Kalel at the window putting her middle finger up at me. I ignore her childish action as I climb into my car and drive off. Without looking back at the past, I drive int the future. A future I plan on spending with Ian.

The Stars in his Eyes (a Smosh fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora