A Sprinkle of Happiness

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Anthony's POV:
The nurses soon discharge Ian after the police finish talking to him. They asked me to leave the room and when I came back Ian was crying. He had to tell the police the whole story of Kalel, starting from when we broke up and all the death threats we got.

I drive Ian home in silence. He looks lost as he stares out the window. I want to say something, but I don't know what will make him feel better.
We drive past HQ and the whole building is covered in scaffolding. Tears drop out of Ian's eyes.
"It wasn't your fault." He turns and looks at me. "The fire, you can't blame yourself. It was Kalel and now she's out of our lives. Police are looking for her."
"Yeh, I guess. But ..."
"No buts, stop thinking about it. Tonight Lasercorn, Eleanor, Mari and Sohinki are coming over. We are going to get wasted."
"I can't get drunk. Not with my ankle."
"Screw that. I'll carry you."
"And we both fall over?"
"Sure, it's all part of the fun." I grin at him and he smiles back, but his eyes are still filled with sadness.

We eventually get home. Lasercorn and Eleanor are waiting for us at the front door holding cans of beer.
"We bought a mix because we don't know what you guys would want to drink." Eleanor smiles.
"That's okay." I reply, helping Ian out the car.
He's still a bit wobbly on his crutches and nearly falls through the door. Mari and Sohinki turn up not long after and we all sit down on the couch but due to lack of space I sit down on the floor, in between Ian's legs. Lasercorn and Eleanor keep shooting each other sneaky glances and Sohinki looks nervous.
"So, guys we have an announcement." Lasercorn says. "After a lot of debating, Eleanor and I are going to have a shot at dating each other." Lasercorn smiles at Eleanor and grasps her hands.
"Two red heads together? Is that a good idea?" Ian chuckles.
He seems to be in a better mood, now. They give him a glare.
"I'm happy for you guys. I knew it would happen!" Mari exclaims excitedly.
I rest my head on Ian's legs and open the beers. I pass one round to everyone and I make a toast.
"To another relationship!"
"To another relationship!" Everyone repeats.
Sohinki stands up.
"Seen as though Lasercorn and Eleanor have confessed I have something to ask Mari."
Sweat trickles down his face as he gets down on one knee. He produces a black box and when he opens it a gold ring with a diamond and two emeralds sits neatly in the middle.
"Mari Takashi will you marry me?"
Sohinki gases into her eyes and she takes a deep breath.
"No... YES. You lovable geek!"
She jumps up into his arms and they take a long kiss as he slides the ring on her finger. I look up at Ian.
"Ian Hecox..." I start.
"Don't even." He laughs.
I grin wildly, and we make another toast.

Everyone leaves once the taxi arrives. We say our drunken goodbyes and I carry Ian bridal style to our room. I place him carefully on the bed and we strip down to our boxers. I clamber on top of him and trail kisses from his neck to his mouth.
"Not tonight, bitch." He smiles.
I give him puppy dog eyes as I climb off him and get under the covers with him. I wrap my arms around his cold waist and nuzzle into his neck. I can't wait for the wedding.

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