Spin the Bottle!

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Ian's POV...
I open the door and walk into the pitch-black house. I can't believe Anthony forgot my birthday and sent me shopping. I shout into the dark abyss hoping for an answer.
"Hey, Anthony, I bought some snacks and stuff in case you want to cuddle on the sofa and watch a film. Maybe..." I'm cut off by multiple voices screaming 'SURPRISE' at me as I turn on the colourful lights.
So, he did remember! Anthony pops out from behind the kitchen counter and he runs to hug me.
"This is for you, Ian." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
Mari, Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn submerge from various hiding places. They run up to me and each, in turn, give me a hug as wish me happy birthday. Anthony puts on some music and we all sit in a circle on beanbags; Anthony must have placed them this way for a reason. Anthony sneaks a cheeky grin at me before bringing out an empty bottle.
"Who's up for spin the bottle?" He chuckles placing the bottle in the middle of us.
"What are the forfeits gonna be?" Lasercorn says with an evil smile.
"How about we all write five forfeits on some paper and put them in a hat, the spinner will pick one out when they have spun. That will decide the fate of the unfortunate victims." Joven suggests.
"Yeh, but remember it has to include both people. Oh, they should be rude as well." Sohinki adds.
"And I'm not licking Joven's nipple again." Mari smirks.
Memories flood through my mind of that Gamebang, Anthony must have been so jealous when I had to lick Joven's ear. I grin at him.
"Ooooohh, Ian's already thinking of a punishment for Anthony, if he lands on him." Lasercorn says and I shoot a death glare at him.
"Who wants to go first?" Anthony giggles like a little girl.
Eventually, after a long debate everyone votes for me to go first because it's my birthday. I agree and spin the bottle with a lot of force. After about three minutes of spinning it comes to a steady stop. My eyes follow the neck of the bottle and I look up at the person. Lasercorn.
"Some more Iancorn action." Lasercorn smirks.
Anthony passes me the hat and I pick out the first bit of paper I touch and read it out.
"The spinner has to tongue touch the victim and keep their tongue on their tongue for ten seconds." I read out. "Who did that one?"
I look round the room and a glint in Joven's eyes makes it obvious it was him. I sigh and look at Anthony. He looks so upset it didn't land on him. Lasercorn and I lean into the middle of the circle tongues at the ready.
"Who's timing?" Mari asks.
"I will." Anthony replies getting out his phone. "3...2...1...GO!"
Without thinking I close my eyes and lean forward. The sensation of his tongue against mine feels weird, abnormal. Everyone is falling about giggling around us. Come on ten seconds must be up now.
"5...4...3...2...1... Times up! Great job guys, you can now officially give me your man cards." Anthony smiles.
Because Anthony is sat to my left it's his turn to spin the bottle. His spin is a lot less forced and it glides to a stop after two full spins. Joven. This should be good as all of the forfeits are vulgar. Anthony smiles and roughly pushes his hand in the hat. He rummages around for a while, sticking his tongue out like he's in deep thought. At last, he pulls one out.
"Spinner and victim must hold each other nipples and twist them around until one of you scream for mercy." He laughs.
"Wait, is it through the top or do we lift up our tops?" Joven asks. "Who wrote it?"
Lasercorn lifts his hand and laughs his evil laugh. "Wwwuuuhhhhaaa that was me."
I laugh, and Anthony shoots a look at me.
"And yeh you have to lift your tops up. Otherwise, your tops will cushion it."
"But I might chaff my nipples." Anthony says, whilst giving Lasercorn puppy dog eyes.
"How many times have you said that in videos?" I ask laughing.
"Over nine thousand." He says sadly.
"Come one I want to see Joven squirm in pain." Mari psychopathy says as we all look at her. "Err, I mean who wants another drink?" She laughs.
They slowly lean forwards and close their eyes squirming, Anthony lifts Joven's shirt and reaches his hands out touching his nipples. Joven does the same to Anthony while bursting out laughing.
"3...2...1... Squeeze!" Lasercorn shouts.
Anthony closes his eyes and I notice his hands tensing, Joven squeezes Anthony's screaming like a little girl. Watching Anthony do this makes my insides feel funny, almost like jealousy.
"MERCY, MERCY, MERCY!!!" Joven screams snapping me out of a trance.
Everyone laughs so I join in too.

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