Bad Turns Worse

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Anthony's POV:
I watch Ian crumple to the ground. Without thinking, I grab a small rock and I knock out Kalel. I take her gun and kneel next to Ian on the floor.
"Okay, Ian, we need to take Sohinki to the cabins and wrap him up. Can you help me carry him?"
He wipes the tears from his face and stands up. His white shirt is now stained with blood.
"Sure." He sighs.
I put Kalel's gun over my shoulder and I pick up his shoulders and Ian picks up his legs. On the count of three we haul him up and we carefully carry him to the cabins. I open our cabin; placing him carefully on our couch. I take the gun off my shoulder and I place it by the door. I run to the laundry closet and I grab a spare sheet.
"Ian, go change your shirt. I'm going to cover up Sohinki and then we can go find the others."
Ian stumbles to his room as I place the sheet over Sohinki; making sure I cover his whole body. Ian soon returns with a new shirt on.
"We need to find Mari and tell her." Ian mutters, glancing over at Sohinki's body. "She must have heard the gunshot."
"Can you remember where Alaska-"
"Kalel!" Ian corrects me.
"Can you remember where Kalel tied up Mari and the others?"
Ian shakes his head. I sigh. Jeez, why did this have to happen on Mari and Sohinki's honeymoon? Poor Mari. I pick up the gun that's leaning on the doorframe and step out into the hot afternoon.
"We should go get Kalel first. Make sure she doesn't make a runner like all the other times." Ian says.

We go back to where I left Kalel and I pick her up; slinging her roughly over my shoulder. What? I don't care, she's caused enough pain in our lives. She moans, and I grin.
"Let's go that way, I think they were somewhere over there." Ian softly says.
"Catch!" I shout, throwing Ian the gun.
He catches it with shaky hands and slides the strap over his shoulder. We walk through the woods and when we are about to go back to the cabins I hear some voices.
"Ian, wait." I whisper, he turns around.
"Do you hear that?"
He listens closely and nods his head. I put Kalel on the ground and I survey our current surroundings. I don't see anyone. But, then I notice Ian pointing up. I look up and notice two tangled bodies swinging in a net. Mari and Lasercorn.
"Anthony?" A hoarse voice squeaks.
"Yeh, how's it hanging?" I grin
"Not funny. Is Ian with you?"
"Yep, do you need any help down?" Ian shouts.
"Nope, we are just fine swinging about in a net trapped like fish." Lasercorn sarcastically says.
"Hey, you better be nice to the people who can help you." Ian chuckles.
I walk around the net. It's pretty high up but the tree looks quite sturdy. I thrust my hands into my pockets and find my knife.
"Okay, I'm going to climb up and cut you down." I say taking my foot off the ground and placing it carefully on the tree trunk.
"No!" They both say at the same time.
"Dude! This drop is huge we will most likely break our backs and die." Lasercorn says, shooting me the Laser Stare. He grabs the side of the net and starts shaking it. "I'm too young and beautiful to die. Take Mari instead. She's old and passed it."
I sigh, hearing a slap.
"Fine, I will cut a hole in the side of the net and help you guys out. Then you can climb down the tree."
They nod in agreement as I carry on climbing the tree.

Once our feet are planted firmly on the ground, Ian explains to them what is going on.
"Alaska is actually Kalel. She disguised herself to get back at Anthony and me." He gulps. "Anthony and I found Sohinki but so did Kalel."
I look over at Mari and her face is full of dread.
"She tried to shoot me but ... but Sohinki took the bullet."
Tears are falling out of Ian's and Mari's eyes.
"Where ... where is he now?" Mari sobs.
"He's in our cabin."
Lasercorn stands up.
"I'm going to kill her ... the bitch, I'm going to fricking kill that bitch." Lasercorn shouts.
I look over at Kalel and she stirs. God help her. I turn back to the group and shuffle over to Mari; hugging her tightly. She weeps into my shirt.
"What a nice reunion!" Kalel smirks lying on the floor, pointing a smaller gun at us. "Ian, you don't know how to shoot that thing, so put it down." She holds the place on her head where I hit her.
Ian looks over at me and I nod my head. He slowly lowers it to the ground.
"Kick it over here." Kalel demands.
Ian takes a deep breath and kicks it over to her. Kalel stands up and steadies herself on a tree.
"Try anything funny and I'll blow your brains out."
"Like what you did to Sohinki?" Mari cries.
"Yes." Kalel smiles. "All of you stand up. Backs against the tree."
She lines us up and walks in front of us inspecting us like cattle. Kalel stops at Ian and places the barrel of the gun on his chest.
"How about I do what I came here to do and then I'll let all of you go." She says.
Ian winces; closing his eyes.
"Just do it, Kalel, but let my friends go." Ian spits out.
"Such a hero, Ian." She places her finger over the trigger.
I notice someone walking towards us with a gun. They walk closer and closer and I can finally recognise who it is. Eleanor. She puts her finger to her lips and walks up behind Kalel. She highers the gun and hits Kalel in the back of the head with the butt of the gun. Kalel falls to the ground moaning. Lasercorn runs to hug Eleanor. They embrace; kissing each other. Lasercorn holds Eleanor at arm's length checking her over. She smiles. I hear cracking of sticks behind me and I turn around; noticing Melanie pointing a gun. She fires, and Eleanor falls limp in Lasercorn's embrace.

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