Now i know a thing or two about being soulless

And it's preeeetty obvious that you don't lack a soul

You're slowly dying on the inside.

Suffering from all that LOVE in your poor little soul.


So, about...

You don't have to destroy! I can do it for you!

All you'd have to do... is give ME your soul" He ended off his little offer with a wink and a smile. To be truthful, he has no interest in destroying. More so the exploration of the Multiverse. He has been getting bored with his own...universe. So maybe he could target others. It'll be something fun to do in his boredom. Right now he was testing the boundaries, maybe he'd bite, maybe he wouldn't (Oh stars, he hopes he bites (NOT LITERALLY THOUGH)). Error stared at the weed, his mind slowly picking at the deal with the devil. His soul had stopped screaming for help years ago but at this point, he's heard all the insults from the years and all the white lies and false promises. The idea of getting help for a being like him was never thought of, at least not as often as his first years. Taking a few steadying breaths, he remembered how the Flowey was wrapped around the Sans' bones and how deeply he was engraved into his soul. He looked to be suffering. Well what difference would it make to him? It'd be something new to his static life, something that could readjust his already bland schedule. Even the fights with Inky became repetitive, always attacking with paint that'd burn and rip at his bones. At times that blue mortal with bone attacks would come—but he stopped after an unfortunate meetup with him—get a few hits in then followed by the Guardian of Positivity with his arrows through his skull. Infusing his mind with thoughts he'd rather not think about. Every AU. Everytime he went out. You have to understand, Error is tired. He's had no recent breaks and this standoff was the longest he's stood still for the last 12 AUs. His soul was torn and his bones just now started aching. They've probably been aching for a while but that pain became more prominent as he stood and considered his options.

If he didn't take this deal, he'd go on with his destructive spree, Ink and the Stars would beat him to a pulp and he'd continue destroying while they go back and lick their wounds, other members of the Council coming to stop him in their place. Just inflicting more pain on him. He'd have his consciousness with him and the state of his bones would only come to mind every time he moved.

If he did take this deal, he'd still have to destroy, but he wouldn't have to be conscious. The stinging of his bones would be replaced by Flowey's vines that would most likely have a grip on his soul. If this deal was what Flowey wanted, then it shouldn't concern him. He wouldn't feel and Flowey could take the blunt end of it all. With how little he cares to dodge and attack, Flowey could give the Stars and Council a run for their money. He could destroy faster with his 'lack of emotions' effectively balancing the Multiverse. He could rest and not have to stay awake or vigilant 24/7. HIs bones would be hurt but he could stop hurting. Everything would just...stop.

Flowey waited (im)patiently. He knew very little about the destroyer outside of what he saw from another skeleton arriving in their universe to tell sans about the Multiverse. They mentioned a 'Destroyer' going about the wider Multiverse and if he ever came to this universe, Sans would have to call him. It was new compared to the different timelines, so reasonably, he was excited about this 'Destroyer'. What possibilities this could provide for their already shallow universe. He's gone through even scenario, every 'what if'. Now he has a new plaything after Sans unceremoniously died at this Monster's hands. He seemed powerful, especially if there's  a copy of Sans going around universes warning them about him. He waited for an answer to his proposition, looking for any movements in case he needed to flee. He wasn't gonna just die by this alternate trash bag's hands. Or strings. If he did agree he'd like to know how to use those.

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