Chapter 35

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—Emily's POV—

The food, the wine, and the chocolate were amazing. The whole evening really. Just perfect. It's about 8:30 PM now, not too late but I'm already tired. And I was half joking when I said the thing about the couch. I want to sleep in the same bed with him so badly but are we ready for that yet? I think we are, but then again I don't want to stress him.

But then again again, he was the one who said 'Emily, sweetheart, I'd really like to fuck you. So please let this count as a date.'. So maybe he's ready too? Should I ask? Can I even ask something like that?

So many thoughts. Too many thoughts.

I walk over to his windows, God his windows... I love them, so tall and wide, from ceiling to floor. The view is so relaxing, I do notice though that the wind has picked up very much. This must be classed as a storm-

As soon as that thought leaves my head all the lights in the apartment go off. It's really dark. "Jake?" I grab my phone and turn on the flash, I head back to the kitchen where I left him.

"In here!" He yells from the other side of the room. He's looking through a drawer. "Here." He says and hands me a lighter. "Light those candles over there-" He points to a couple of candles he has spread out throughout the apartment.

"Did you plan this or do you really like candles?" I ask while lighting the first ones.

"I like them actually, believe it or not."

I laugh and continue to light up the apartment. When I'm done I walk back to the windows, it's now a fully developed storm outside. I grab my phone and press on mom's contact.

8:38 PM

Me: Hi, mom. I'm going to stay at Ally's. I'll come back tomorrow, love you.

8:39 PM

Mom: Okay, honey. Be careful! We lost the power here, you probably did too. Tell the girls I said hi, love you too.

Putting the phone back in my purse I sigh and stare out again. It's so chaotic yet so peaceful, I don't really know how to explain it.

As I'm standing there looking out I feel two arms sliding around my waist and Jake's chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I really tried to keep my distance."

A smile creeps up on me before I can think. "It's okay." I say and tilt my head to his. "It feels nice to have someone this close again."

We stand there like this for a while. Just being with each other and looking out the window.


I want this. But how do I tell him? I don't want to scare him away. I want him to be mine.



"Can I kiss you? Please." So many butterflies.

I turn my body so that we're face to face and grab his face. "I thought you'd never ask-" Before I'm able to finish the sentence his lips crash into mine. Strong hands grabbing my waist and neck to steady me. His tongue licks my lower lip like he's asking for permission, I slightly open my mouth as the kiss deepens.

His breathing is ragged. "I know you said no sex, but-"

I bring his lips back to mine and mutter, "Bedroom." I can feel a smile forming on his lips against mine. He picks me up with such ease and carries me into his bedroom.

He throws me on the bed and gets on top. He's kissing every part of me like it's the last time he'll see me. He's devouring me with kisses. His tongue leaves a trail from my neck down to my crop top. "Let's get this off." He says, out of breath. I don't say anything, I just remove it quickly and toss it aside. He releases a "Fuck." under his breath when he sees me. "This too." I spend no time thinking and unhook it, throwing it over the bed.

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