Chapter 23

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—Emily's POV—

"I want you back shortie."


I- I didn't imagine that, did I? "What did you just say?"

"You heard me, Emily."

Then, BAM, reality hits. "Wait wait wait wait wait, you say you want me back but yet here you are, on a date with the waitress?"

"It's not- It's not a date."

"Really? Because-" I'm cut off by Antonio and Martina walking out of the kitchen, now Antonio is wearing jeans and a t-shirt instead of his work clothes.

"Hi. Did we interrupt something?" Antonio asks.

"We were actually talking-" I start but get cut off by Martina saying, "Oh! I have an idea! Why don't all four of us go to a cafe? It can be like a double date!" She claps.

I look at Jake then at Antonio. "I don't really think that's a good idea..."

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun. I promise!" She pleads. That's a very hard promise to keep, I think to myself. Both Jake and Antonio are looking at me so can I really say no?

"Okay, I guess." I give them the best smile I can manage before we leave the restaurant. She said that there's a perfect café not so far away from here, so we follow her as she takes the lead in total silence. Like, total silence. I don't think that it's awkward for them, but it definitely is for me.

When we reach the place she walks in and greets the people who work there. They seem to know each other pretty well. She looks at us and waves us over to a table. Martina and Antonio take the seats next to each other so that only leaves me to sit next to Jake.

Antonio pulls out the chair for me and I give him a smile and a quiet thank you. Jake glares at him. What a way to be nice, Jake.

"So... What is this?" Martina asks, waving her finger between me and Antonio.

We look at each other. "We're just getting to know each other Martina, calm down." Antonio chuckles.

I nod in agreement but just a second later Jake asks, "What's her favorite movie?" And crosses his arms, leaning back on his chair.

"What?" Antonio looks confused.

"Her favorite movie. What is it?" He repeats.

"What's wrong with you?" I lean in and whisper. He gives me a quick glance then goes back to Antonio. "Favorite book? Color?"

"I- Ehm..." Antonio starts and scratches his neck. "We're just getting to know each other, okay?"

Jake looks at him a while longer then shifts his attention to the ground and mumbles something to himself. Trying to get this weird and awkward tension away I think of something to say but thankfully a waitress comes by and asks what everyone wants.

"I'll have a coffee, black." Antonio says and looks at Martina. "Same here."

The waitress turns her attention to me and Jake. "And for the two of you?"

"I'll have a green tea please." I say. "Make it three black coffees." Jake says. The waitress writes our order down on a piece of paper and then walks back to her station. All of us go back to being silent, looking at the ceiling or the floor. Should I be the first to talk? I mean, I can't make it worse, can I?

"So, what's your plan?" I ask Antonio. "Any plans on college or something?"

"Actually, I'm taking over the restaurant after my parents." He smiles. "It's sort of a family tradition."

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