Chapter 16

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—Emily's POV—

The casket is now underground and they're covering it with dirt. I see Michael's expression while helping, he's fighting to keep himself together.

When all of the dirt has covered the hole people gather around again and after some time the guests start to disappear, Stella has left too. She couldn't take it anymore, so she went home to prepare. She needs her mind on something else.

"You can go home, I'm staying some more with Ally. I'll see you later." I say to dad, mom and Asher. They understand and tell me that they'll see me at home.

"I bought this for him." She takes out a candle from her purse and unwraps it from the plastic. Wanting to give her and her dad some privacy I take the plastic from her and say, "I'll go and throw it away." She nods and hunches down next to the newly made grave. My heart breaks for her.

I've only been to this church once before, so I'm not an expert on it but I do remember that there was some sort of corner where you could throw away garbage away and get water for the flowers. After a few minutes of walking around, I find it and throw the plastic away in a bin. It's eerily how quiet and empty it is here today but on the way back to Ally I spot someone familiar. "Andrea?" What's she doing here? She turns around and the second she sees me she quickly wipes the tears from her eyes. "Oh I'm- I didn't mean to interrupt!" I say, embarrassed to interrupt her here when she's clearly mourning someone. What else would she be doing here otherwise? I ask myself.

""No, it's okay. Just here with my mom."

"Oh... Where is she?" Her eyes fall to the ground and my eyes follow, that's when I see it.

'Mariah Thompson. Beloved daughter, wife and mother. You'll be missed.'

Andrea is the first one to break the silence. "Cancer. Ten years ago today. She didn't take my dad's last name, she made him take hers." She chuckles. "She was so strong." Her hands cover her face as she breaks down. I never thought I'd see Andrea like this.

"I'm so sorry. I have no idea how you feel but I'm so sorry. Truly." I go out of my comfort zone and place a hand on her shoulder.

"No, I'm sorry." She turns to me and wipes her tears away. "I was a bitch to you, and you didn't deserve that. I just- Life without her is hard." She looks at the grave again. "We used to do everything together. She said that I was the miracle that saved her life... She loved me and my dad so much." She's not what I imagined she'd be. All of this sadness and grief pushed her to become someone else. I'm starting to see that there may be more to her. Losing a parent can do a lot to one, and I am curious to see how Andrea was before. I can imagine she's a pretty great person if you really get to know her.

"Andrea... Look, I'm not mad at you okay?"

"Why not? The way I acted towards you was so bad."

"But you had your own problems. If I knew what you were going through I'd understand. I know we weren't the best of friends, but you could've told me. Does anyone in school know this?"

"No. My mom said to never show weakness and to always aim for the win. That's what she did before..." My heart aches for her. She's been through so much. I didn't like her, but I didn't know her story.

"Look... If you ever want to talk about something I'm here. I may not relate to the things you talk about but I'm a pretty good listener."

"Thank you." She pauses. "Oh, and by the way, I kicked his ass."


"Peter's after he said that about Ally's dad. I imagined if he said something like that to me and well... My rage got the best of me." She chuckles.

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