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"Cover us

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"Cover us." Din tells Cara as he pulls Shivani to the door of the cantina. Cara hops up onto a table and begins gunning down troopers with her repeating blaster. The door opens, unleashing Mando and Shivani into the fray.

Mando acts as a temporary shield for Shivani as his armour deflects many hits. Greef follows behind them as Shivani blasts any trooper in sight. One Death Trooper grabs Mando by the throat but Shivani sends it flying back with a kick before shooting it dead. The swarms of troopers seem never-ending as Shivani and Mando fight with their backs touching. The mere presence of the man behind her is enough to keep her determination strong. It reminds her that she has something worth fighting for, someone she wants to survive for. Not only is she fighting for the people she's lost, she's fighting for the people she has gained.

IG-11 takes a hit to the legs, which buckles and sends him stumbling down to the ground. He manages to shield the child from any danger and Shivani dashes away from Din to help protect him. Meanwhile, Din notices that the E-Web has been left unattended and uses it to his advantage. He heaves the large blaster off its stand and guns down stormtroopers with the heavy repeater cannon. He covers Shivani long enough for her to get IG-11 back on his feet and start fighting back.

A loud explosion from the cantina alerts the group that a Death Trooper has detonated the entryway. Shivani knows that Cara can handle herself against the troopers and focuses instead on the man who strolls casually through the battleground as if he was invincible. There's no room for fear left in her body. She's spent her whole life being terrified of this man. Haunted by his voice. Unable to sleep without him plaguing her mind. Now she feels rage. This was her chance for revenge. Who knows when she'd get a chance like this again? She was going to kill him. For Aurelia. For Katali. But most importantly, for the Mandalorian and the child.

Any stormtrooper in her way is given a swift end with a blast to the chest. All she can see is red clouding her vision, eyes narrowing in on Gideon's intimidating figure. She wouldn't let this opportunity slip through her fingers. She couldn't.

With a scream of fury, she kicked a trooper out of her path. Moff Gideon turned to the sound to see Shivani Rai marching towards him on a rampage, obliterating all Imperial troops in sight. A murderous glint of gold flames lit up her eyes as she stormed forward. He would be lying if he said there wasn't a flicker of fear inside of him. But he did not show it. Instead, his gaze shifted over to the Mandalorian. The man who had hunted the Aurelian down, captured her and traded her in for a reward. But also the man who had rescued her, fought for and with her. The man who had wormed his way into her heart and made himself at home. Her weakness has always been her heart. Moff Gideon smirks. He knew what to do.

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