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"You don't like that man, huh?" Shivani states as they near the hangar

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"You don't like that man, huh?" Shivani states as they near the hangar.

"I don't like the way he was looking at you." The Mandalorian replies, fists clenching as he remembered the way Toro's eyes lingered on her. It was like a hungry animal staring at its next meal. He doesn't know why it irritated him so much, to the point where he wanted to shoot the man right between his slippery eyes. He also didn't know why he felt the desire to bring Shivani closer to him and force Toro to back off. It took every last morsel of his self-control to keep his hands to himself.

Shivani leads them down the stairs where they find the Razor Crest safe and sound, no droids in sight. They head up the ramp with Mando setting out for his weapons while Shivani goes to check on the child... who is definitely not where she left him. She gasps in panic as she finds the compartment open and empty. The Mandalorian hears her gasp and his attention is immediately on her.

"What's wrong?" The Mandalorian asks in concern.

"The child is gone." That alarming realisation sends them both sprinting from the ship.

"Hey!" The Mandalorian yells gruffly.

Peli is startled awake with a shout, "I'm awake! I'm awake!"

The Mandalorian storms up to a nearby pit droid while Shivani runs to Peli's office. "Where is he?" Mando interrogates, making the droid shrink into itself in fright.

"Quiet!" Peli shouts as she cradles the crying child in her arms. Shivani breathes a sigh of relief as Peli walks towards her with the child. "Oh. Shh, it's okay. You woke it up. Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?"

"Give him to us." Mando demands fiercely, moving to stand next to Shivani.

"Not so fast!" Peli exclaims. "You can't just leave a child all alone like that. You know, you two have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one." Shivani and the Mandalorian exchange awkward glances as Peli seems to imply the two are together. The child coos at the pair, happy to be reunited with them. "Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak. There you go. I had a couple setbacks I want to talk to you about. You know, I didn't use any droids, as requested, so it took me a lot longer than I expected." The Mandalorian grabbed his equipment from the ship, snatching up an extra blaster for Shivani. "But I figured you're both good for the money since you have an extra mouth to feed."

The child coos adorably at Shivani as she rubs her hand along his hand. Without prompting from Shivani this time, the Mandalorian politely says, "Thank you."

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