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A few hours later, the Mandalorian awakens with a start

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A few hours later, the Mandalorian awakens with a start. He groans out in pain as the child coos hopefully. His breathing is heavy as he attempts to sit up before Shivani comes running over.

"Hey. Take it easy, Mando. You fell from quite a height." She mutters soothingly as she supports his body.

"What are you doing here?" He pants out harshly, glancing around the woman to spot the child still sitting safely in his pod.

Shivani scoffs at his direct question, "I'm asking myself the same thing."

"I thought you would've legged it the first chance you got." He continued, wafting her hands away as he pushed himself up on his feet.

"We wouldn't have left you alone and unconscious." She replies before the child lets out a disagreeing whine. "Okay, he wouldn't have left you alone and unconscious. I definitely would've." She strolls away from him, her hands swinging freely by her side.

"Where are the cuffs?" The Mandalorian asks, motioning to her now unbound wrists.

"Oh, yeah. Here you go." She tosses the unlocked cuffs back to the bounty hunter who looks down at them and then back at her. "You think this is the first time I've been captured?"


With a dejected posture, the Mandalorian led his (not-so-captive) captives back to the stripped ship. He investigated the extent of the damage inside while Shivani waited outside with the child. She could tell the metal man was extremely frustrated as the ship was in no condition to fly. He still tried to start the engine anyway, but Shivani knew that pathetic puffs of grey smoke wasn't exactly going to propel them off this planet.

Shivani carried the child up the ramp of the ship where she found the Mandalorian sighing deeply in despair. The child coos from her arms, catching his attention as Shivani's eyes softened. "I'm sorry about your ship." She tells him genuinely. "What type is it?" She inquires as she gazes around what's left of it.

"It's a Razor Crest." He replies sadly, casting his eyes around at his former home.

Shivani bites her lip as she tries to think of a plan. "Do you know anyone on this planet who could help us?"

The Mandalorian is surprised that this woman is still sticking with him, even when she could've abandoned him when she had the chance. If she was still willing to keep going somehow, he should do the same. "There is one person."

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