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Cara and the Mandalorian had not long departed but Shivani could already hear the tense whispers among the villagers

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Cara and the Mandalorian had not long departed but Shivani could already hear the tense whispers among the villagers. They were nervous, that much was obvious yet understandable. She never believed she would make a good leader, she had always seen herself as a scared child running from her past. But these people were going to lose this fight before it had even begun if they didn't believe in themselves.

"I know you're scared." She began shakily, tensing up as all the eyes of the village landed on her. "You have every right to be. They may have the upper hand in terms of combat experience and fire power, but you have an advantage too. You have something worth fighting for. You are fighting for your livelihood... your homes... your family. And that is even more precious. Belief in yourself will make you stronger." Omera smiled up at the woman with a reinvigorated determination and the rest of the villagers exchanged hopeful expressions. "You are all warriors today."

The crowd cheered, courage seeping into their bloodstream from the powerful aura of the woman in front of them. If she believed they were warriors, they felt like they could take on the galaxy. The faint sound of an explosion in the forest recaptures their attention and Shivani nods to Omera. "Everyone to your positions." She ordered as everyone scattered to situate themselves.

Cara and the Mandalorian's shadowy figures sprinting through the krill ponds had Shivani breathing a small sigh of relief. At least the AT-ST hadn't blasted them to bits before they could execute the rest of the plan. She'd hate it if those two got all the fun. The two slid behind their wooden barricade where Shivani had perched herself with a blaster.

"This is it." Cara yelled to the villagers. "Once that thing steps into the pond, it's goin' down." They could hear the heavy thuds of the Imperial walker in the distance and the creaking of trees as it forced its way through. "Weapons ready." The Mandalorian glances quickly at Shivani who sends him a forced smile. She was more nervous than she let on.

Menacing red eyes draw closer as the ground rumbles under its weight. Eventually, the large mechanic beast powers its way through the treeline with an insatiable hunger for destruction. The people of Sorgan were determined to make sure it starved.

"Just a few more steps." The Mandalorian mumbles to the two women. Shivani's eyes are locked on its spindly legs as they clank once, twice and then... Stop. That wasn't the way they saw that going.

"It stopped." Cara informs them while the Mandalorian and Shivani exchange concerned stares. A blinding light snaps on from the walker, making the three experiences warriors duck down insinctively.

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