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Shivani, Cara and the Mandalorian strolled through the nearby woods searching for any sign of the raiders

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Shivani, Cara and the Mandalorian strolled through the nearby woods searching for any sign of the raiders. The Mandalorian's heat sensors detected recent footsteps on the ground so they followed his lead.

"About 15 or 20 of them came through here on foot." He informed them. "And something big sheared off those branches." They continued walking until they stumbled upon a large footprint gouged in the mud. It was obvious they were dealing with something bigger than just simple raiders.

"AT-ST." Cara realised as they kneeled down next to the shallow crater.

"Imperial walker." The Mandalorian practically growled, looking to Shivani with a hint of concern. This planet may not be as safe as they thought it was if there was the possibility of Imperials hidden in the trees. "What's it doing here?"

"I don't know." Cara replied gravely.

Shivani sighed as they rose from the ground. "I doubt it's for anything good."

Cara nodded in agreement. "This is more than I signed up for."

"We'll have to break the news to the villagers gently. It's not every day you find out you have to abandon the only place you've ever known." Shivani mutters. She didn't want Sorgan turning out like Aurelia. "Maybe this is the time to work on your communication skills, Mando."


"Bad news. You can't live here anymore." Shivani facepalms at the Mandalorian's attempt at 'gently' breaking the news. The announcement is met with confusion from the villagers who immediately begin to question the three newcomers.

"Nice bedside manner." Cara mumbles discreetly out of the side of her mouth.

Shivani sighs. "We're working on it, alright? He'll get there eventually."

"You think you can do better?" The Mandalorian snarks back to the ex-shock trooper.

"Can't do much worse." She retorts, to which Shivani has to agree. "I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but there are no other options."

"You took the job." One of the villagers protests, reigniting the murmurs among the people gathered.

"That was before we knew about the AT-ST." Cara's statement brings more confusion.

"What is that?"

"The armoured walker with two enormous guns that you knew about and didn't tell us." Cara replies sharply. The crowd grows unsettled and the people start letting out desperate pleas for help.

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