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The child's head pops out the top of his pod and, to his delight, Shivani's body rumbles with adoring giggles

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The child's head pops out the top of his pod and, to his delight, Shivani's body rumbles with adoring giggles. Ecstatic with her reaction, he repeats his actions to make her laugh again. Shivani has to slap her hand across the fabric covering her mouth to stop any audible sounds escaping and alerting her Mandalorian captor.

Then, the child sets his sights on a shining silver gear knob, glinting like a beacon in the night sky. He looks over to Shivani who motions for him to go and get it. She will encourage anything to irritate or cause grief to the Mandalorian. The child beams and starts to climb out of the pod, the gleaming new toy now the object of his focus. Shivani makes sure to keep a close eye on him so she can be ready to intervene if necessary. Who knows what kind of trouble the little creature can get into on a ship this big?

The Mandalorian still appears to be oblivious as he opens a message sent via holographic projector. "Mando. I've received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarries directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat that thing or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy to get his hands on both of them. Safe passage! You know where to find me."

Shivani listens in on the conversation, narrowing her eyes at the man's suggestion of what the client might do with the child. However, she was slightly distracted by the child itself, who has managed to scale the control panel and unscrew the silver ball. His fun is ruined when the Mandalorian spots him and plucks the knob from his mouth.

"It's not a toy." He scolds, placing it down and lifting the child up by the brown material of his clothing. He deposits him back into his cradle as Shivani sighs.

"He's just a child." She reminds the bounty hunter. "A child that you could potentially be leading to its death. The least you can do is allow it to have some fun."

"I'm not leading him to his death." The Mandalorian protests, though he isn't sure who he's trying to convince more, the woman or himself.

"And how are you so sure of this? Who is the client?" Shivani questioned, anxious to know if this was the work of the only person to know where she truly comes from.

The Mandalorian hesitates as he realises that he's not sure who the client is or what he wants from these assets. For the first time in his life, the Mandalorian is unsure whether he should turn in his catch. But then he remembers the Beskar. The precious metal of his people. He can't turn away from it when he's already so close. "I don't know." The Mandalorian finally replies, the answer doing nothing to calm Shivani's nerves. She glances over at the kid with concern in her eyes. Shivani doesn't know how much longer she'd be able to protect him.

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