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Camtonos in hand, the Mandalorian weaved through the crowds before descending the stairs to the covert

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Camtonos in hand, the Mandalorian weaved through the crowds before descending the stairs to the covert. Various other Mandalorians lined the walls, each one glancing up to look at the intruder before nodding at the familiar helmet. The Armorer sits on the ground as the Mandalorian presents her with the camtono of Beskar. The Mandalorian takes his place in front of her as she reaches out to inspect the metal.

"This amount can be shaped many ways." The Armorer tells him as she runs a gloved finger over the crest of the Imperial Empire.

"My armour has lost its integrity." The Mandalorian explains. "I may need to begin again.

"Indeed." The Armorer drawls. "I can form a full cuirass. This would be in order for your station."

"That... would be a great honour." The Mandalorian manages to grit out as a group of Mandalorians linger in the entrance.

"I must warn you. It will draw many eyes." The Armorer informs him as Paz Vizsla approached the two.

He scoffs as he picks up the metal and notices the crest imprinted in it, "These were cast in an Imperial smelter. These are the spoils of the Great Purge." He announces this to the other Mandalorians as he condemns Mando's actions. "The reason that we live hidden like sand rats." He discards the Beskar back on the table as if it were worth nothing more than dirt.

"Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength." The Armorer reminds the heavy infantryman.

"Our strength was once in our numbers." He retorts gruffly. "Now we live in the shadows and only come above ground one at a time. Our world was shattered by the Empure, with whom this coward shares tables."

Paz Vizsla saunters closer to the Mandalorian and reaches for the bottom of his helmet. The Mandalorian retaliates quickly and the two grunt as they exchange hits back and forth. The Armorer rises from her seat and stops the pair as they hold blades to each other's throats.

"The Empire is no longer. And the Beskar has returned." She emphasises. "When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey. How can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life? Have you ever removed your helmet?"

"No." The Mandalorian replies.

The Armorer continues, "Has it ever been removed by others?"

"Never." The Mandalorian replies again.

"This is the Way." She announces.

"This is the Way." The group of Mandalorians echo as the dueling pair lower their blades.

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