Chapter 31: Copy Cat

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"Alright, team! We're getting one more quick mission in before we take part in the Chuunin Exams!" Guy Sensei announced as Team Guy gathered in their normal training area for their daily training.

"We're gonna participate in the Chuunin Exams finally?" Hisako asked, clasping her hands together in front of her as an excited smile spread across her face.

Guy Sensei gave Hisako a large smile, his teeth glistening white in the sunlight as he held up his thumb, "Yes we are! And Team Guy is going to come out victorious!"

"It's not about winning, it's about being promoted to Chuunin, and I doubt all three of us will be promoted to Chuunin. That's never happened," Neji replied.

He was leaning against a tree like normal, his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed.

"Then we shall be the first!" Lee yelled, throwing a fist in the air.

"That's the spirit, Lee! Onward to victory!" Guy Sensei praised as they both started shouting together.

Hisako rolled her eyes and went to stand beside Neji while the student and teacher cheered each other on for a few minutes.

"Didn't Guy Sensei mention a mission?" Hisako whispered.

"Yes, he did. And he forgot to mention what that mission is," Neji replied, his tone sounding slightly annoyed.

"Or when we need to leave," Hisako added.

She let out a groan in exasperation and pushed herself off of the tree walking towards Lee and Guy Sensei, raising her hands to grab their attention, "Guy Sensei! I think you're forgetting something even more pressing right now," she had to yell so her voice could be heard over their chanting.

"Hm?" Guy Sensei responded, turning his attention to Hisako, one big bushy eyebrow raised in question until realization dawned on him and he snapped his fingers, "Oh right! The mission! We are going to escort a group of travelers by riverboat to a fishing village in the Land of Tea," Guy Sensei replied giving his team a thumbs up again.

"The Land of Tea?" Hisako replied, her eyes widened at that name, "That's a bordering nation to ours. But, it's super small in population. We don't even know if they have their own Shinobi forces. I've heard we get hired to assist in missions for the Land of Tea often,"

Guy Sensei hummed in consideration, nodding his head, "Yes. That's the one. They got their name because they have land perfect for growing herbs and plants that make amazing tea! I also heard they have a legendary brew that boosts chakra and stamina!" Guy Sensei exclaimed as Lee beamed beside his Sensei.

"So cool, Guy Sensei!" he shouted.

"Maybe while we're there we can get our hands on some of that legendary tea!" Guy Sensei yelled back at his student.

Hisako let out another groan, rolling her eyes again. She swore if she continued to roll her eyes like this, they'd roll right out of her head.

"That's great and all, but when do we have to go?" she yelled over them again.

"Oh, we were told to report to Lord Hokage's office immediately for a mission overview and then we're to leave right after that," Guy Sensei replied, nonchalantly.

"Then shouldn't we have already been heading for Lord Hokage's office?" Neji demanded, stepping up to stand beside Hisako.

Guy Sensei thought for a moment, and a look of panic crossed his face just for a moment, "Yes! You're correct! Which means we're late!" he yelled, pointing in the direction of the Hokage's Estate, " Alright my students, get that lead out of your boots and let's move! If we wanna make up this time, then we gotta run!"

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