Love's A Sharp Blade

111 12 7

*Author's note: This poem contains mature language.

Decisions were made
I'm not too proud
or embarrassed
to admit my own mistakes
I've been conned
I've been battered
My heart's so out of balance
I'm now emotionally challenged

But still, I'm not bitter
But you could say
I still have a few jitters
I'm jaded
My trust is somewhat faded
from being wrongly betrayed
and invaded
by the backstabbing liars
whose only objective
was to hurt me
and play fucking games

It's my own fault
I let my guard down
Trusted the wrong people
who had their hands out
Pretending to help me up
but only kicked me
while I was down
Got what they wanted though
then left me to bleed out

Stole ninety nine
percent of me
Life was bleak
I was weak
Knife in my back
They took my dignity

Lessons were learned
The price on my mentality
wasn't cheap
But what didn't kill me
made me stronger
I'm not a victim any longer

I took that one percent
I had left in me
I dug deep
with my head held high
I climbed back to my feet

Wounds heal
to some degree
But betrayal cuts so deep
you continue to bleed
The pain never seems
to fade away
Love's a sharp blade

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Bobbie J ~❤~

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