Prem and Wad

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Prem's POV

Arriving at the hospital, I was so tense and worried about Wad and our baby. The emergency people hadn't been able to stop Wad's pain because 'we don't know how to treat him as his condition is so unusual.'

'We don't want to hurt the baby.'

I understand that, but it still doesn't help me feel better nor does it help Wad. I hate seeing Wad in so much pain and not knowing what was happening to our baby was terrifying.

As they wheeled Wad into the hospital room, I watch as nurses crowded around him. One was hooking him up to a monitor while two others were trying to get him to lay flat on the bed. It wasn't working because Wad was in too much pain. It felt like an hour before Wad was settled in and finaly able to relax. They had given him some thing to help that wouldn't harm the baby.

"Sir? Sir?" I hadn't even noticed the doctor enter the room, but when I turned to see who was talking, he was there trying to get my attention.


"Are you related to the patient? We need to get some medical history for the patient. I'm doctor Pratchett. We were able to get most of his information, but we still have a few things to ask about."

"Umm.. I'm his partner and the baby's other father. What do you need? Do you know what is wrong with him?"

"He is very dehydrated and his blood pressure is very high. I believe he has pre-eclampsia. This is not good for the baby because it can cause a lot of problems with its growth and could cause damage to Mr. Wang as well. Is he still experiencing morning sickness? How is he eating?"

"He still gets nauseous, but does not throw up. As for eating.. he tries to eat healthy. Making sure he gets the proper greens and meat, no raw or processed meats.. things like that. I have noticed that he tends to skip breakfast everyday recently though." I suddenly remembered.

"That would be enough to cause this, especially if he has been doing it for more than 2 months. It is vital for a baby to get as much nutrition as possible during the first trimester. We can help the baby catch back up, but Mr. Wang will need to start eating 3 meals a day and taking supplements."

"I will make sure he takes them and eats properly. Thank you." I assured the doctor.

"Alright. For the next 2 weeks, I will also suggest that Mr. Wang be on bed rest as well. That means only getting up to use the bathroom. He needs to relax."

I just nodded to the doctor. I knew it would be very hard to keep Wad in bed for a day let alone 2 weeks. He was too stubborn and intent on being independent.

But I will do whatever was necessary to keep them both safe. I watched the nurses continue to work around Wad.


Almost an hour later, Wad was still relaxed and asleep. I am happy to see that he is feeling better and isn't in any pain, but I am also worried about how I was going to keep him on bed rest without others knowing about the baby. That was Wad's decision. Their baby was safe now, but how would he be able to keep it that way.

The baby was safe.

Their baby was safe.

Their baby.

Even with Wad being 26 weeks 4 days along, it is still hard for me to get used to the idea of a baby. My baby. With another man. I wanted to tell my parents and Wad had said he would be fine with them knowing, but honestly, I am terrified about how they will react. My dad could get violent when he isn't happy. Not that he had ever hurt me, but I don't know how he will react to the news of the baby, let alone that I am with a man.

Secrets KeptOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora