Dealing with Friends

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After the two left the room, Kongpob finally turned to M, who had been silent for several minutes just observing the three.

"Have something you want to say or ask? I can see it clearly on your face." Kongpob waited for M to ask his question, settling into the chair his mom had just vacated.

"So how long have you and your partner been together? I mean, it has to be more then 2 years because Fiat is.. what? 16 months?"

"18 months. We have been together for almost 3 years now. Fiat was a big surprise to us, but that is a story for another time as it has a lot to do with who his other parent is." Kongpob answered, leaning back comfortably in his chair. "Now, why are you here again?"

"Oh. First of all, you have been with whoever since high school and still haven't told anyone, it's impressive that it's still a secret. But anyway, I wanted to remind you that we have a freshman meeting tonight. And you don't want to miss it as they will know if you don't join." M said with a shake of his head. Kong sighed, knowing that was even more true then M realized.

"I haven't forgotten and I am not likely to any time soon." Looking at the clock, he continued. "It is almost 3 now, so we have an hour before we need to be there. You should go get changed and I will meet you later so we can go together."

"Alright. I will see you later, then." M started for the door.

"And remember, M. Not a word about Fiat. To anyone. For any reason." Kongpob said, really not wanting to be mad at his best friend.

"Don't worry. I won't say a word about him. By the way, he is adorable. And he really looks like you." M promised and then smiled. Kongpob returned the smile as M left the room. Getting up, he went to get his Sotus shirt and some comfortable clothes to change into. As he changed, he remembered something that happened about a week ago.


Kongpob really didn't like that the seniors had given them such a hard task as the first challenge for the freshmen. Helping M was easy for him, as he seemed to draw people in with ease. He was crossing the canteen when he heard his name shouted in the voice he loved. Turning to Arthit, it took everything he had not to smile at his boyfriend. He knew this would upset him, but it really didn't phase him at all as he knew ways to make him forget his anger.

Stopping in front of Arthit, he waited for the man's next words. He listened with growing trapidation as Arthit told him to do something that would be humiliating to most, but the announcing wasn't what worried him; it was asking other men out that did. He knew Arthit was a jealous man, but he would do it and then placate him later.

It only took a moment or two to accomplish his task, then he was back to standing in front of Arthit. Getting his booklet back, he wasn't really surprised that Arthit hadn't signed it, but it was worth it to hear him whisper into his ear.

"I will be punishing you later for that."

Kongpob blinked several times to keep from reacting the way he wanted to at this, then he turned to walk away. He really couldn't wait until later now.

That night had been thrilling and he was smiling when he woke up the next morning. Arthit had already left, but Kongpob knew he would see him later that day.

That was the day they had received their Sotus shirts. Before he had gone up to get his, Oak had asked him why Arthit was always targeting him and it had taken quick thinking to avoid answering. Luckily, Oak hadn't been paying attention and almost missed getting his shirt, so he just had to remind him of what was happening at the time.

End of flashback

Kongpob finished dressing and headed out the door. He was kind of excited to see what would happen today at the meeting.


Arthit was yelling again at the front of the sitting freshman. All of the freshman had their heads down. They were in trouble again as the majority of them had been minutes late. Arthit was laughing inside as he saw some of his fellow hazers need to check their watch when he announced the time. He knew he had to pick on someone to make a point, but he was dreading who he knew he would choose.

Bracing himself, he approached his boyfriend's sitting form.

"0062, stand up." He watched as the beautiful man looked up at him for a moment before following instructions.

Arthit challenged him by telling him to count how many people were present after he stated how many were supposed to be present. 10 minutes later, Kongpob finished counting and announced the number.

"Where are the 54 others who are missing? Why aren't they here?" Arthit asked of Kong, knowing he couldn't answer. When he gave the expected answer, Arthit shook his head. "Since they aren't here, the rest of you will be punished."

"They aren't missing."

This comment made Arthit stop and turn back around. "What did you say?"

"They aren't missing. They sent their hearts to us." Kongpob said with a defiant look on his face.

"Oh. Alright, so with all that heart, you should all be able to run 54 laps." Arthit began to turn around again, but was interrupted again.

"No, they only sent their hearts to me only." Kongpob said again, making Arthit stops halfway turned. He whipped fully around again.

"Why would they do that?" Arthit asked, starting to feel jealousy rise up inside him.

"So they can replace my heart that I have already given to you."

"Kongpob!" Arthit yelled, even as his heart skipped a beat. Why was he flirting with him in front of all these people? He heard the other freshman almost coo at Kong's words. Arthit could feel his ears begining to heat up.

"Run 54 laps. Go!" Arthit demanded. He knew he wouldn't be able to complete them, but Kongpob needed to be punished publicly for his defiance. He watched his boyfriend make his way out of the group and begin running.

He watched him run, but noticed others doing the same, so he yelled for them not to watch him. When the freshman's heads were down, he allowed a small smile to appear on his face. He wasn't paying attention to his fellow hazers, but noticed when Tutah gave him an odd look having clearly seen his smile. His smile fell and his hazer mask replaced it.

They finished up the meeting while Kongpob kept running. Afterward, Arthit approached Kong who was sitting in the stands.

"I know you didn't finish those laps, so why are you just sitting here?" Kong stood up.

"A senior told me to stop, and as she is a senior, I thought I should listen to her." He said, clearly showing in his eyes that he was messing with his boyfriend.

"You know better than to flirt with me while we are in a hazing. Do you really need to cause chaos?" Arthit asked quietly, keeping an eye on the people near them.

"I don't need to be, but it is fun to watch your ears turn red when I do." Kongpob said, tilting his head and smiled.

After that comment, Arthit shook his head and turned to walk away in the opposite direction of their dorms.

"Wait. Come to my dorm tonight. I have something I need to tell you." Kong said, hoping Arthit could hear him as he was speaking softly so no one else could hear his words. Arthit stopped and glanced back to nod, then continuing walking.

Kongpob watched his retreat with his normal flirty smile. When he was out of sight, Kong went in the direction of his own dorm, intending to clean up.

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