Morning Changes

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Arthit felt Kongpob's hand rub gentle circles on his belly. This brought him back to the present and made him smile. It was also very soothing.

He knew that Kong was happy and very excited for the new baby.

"So, did you want to talk more about the baby or would you prefer making something to eat? To be honest, I'm hungry. And I think it's about time for lunch." Arthit said, looking up at the clock on his desk.


"I think we should eat before we have the name debate. You need to make sure to eat well now. Don't forget like you have before. The baby needs you to eat. Also, don't forget, we still have a while before we need to pick the name, so we will make our food and while we eat we can go through the book and pick out the ones we like."

They both got up, each doing their part in making the meal, before sitting down with the book and looking through it.

They spent most of the day looking through the book and debating on names. There were several names in the book that were so ridiculous that they had to laugh at the prospect of using them for their baby.


Sunday morning dawned with Kongpob cuddling Arthit. He had one hand resting on Arthit's stomach as if he couldn't bear to be far from the new life growing there.

At 7, Kongpob woke slowly. He was so used to getting up early that even on the weekends, he naturally did so. Even when he wanted to sleep in, like today.

He lay there for several minutes, thinking about the day before and the discovery of the baby. He didn't want to tell Arthit this, but he was also nervous about telling everyone about the baby. And about what it was going to be like with 2 children. Arthit had one more year at school and most of that was his internship. If their parents got mad about the new baby, how were they going to get through school?

Eventually, Kongpob got up and went to take a shower and get dressed. 30 minutes later, he walked out the dorm door, making sure it locked behind him.

He went to the food trolley near his dorm to order their normal breakfast and drinks. He also detoured to the convenience store near by to grab a few other thing he thought they would need. By the time he returned to his room, the bed was empty and unmade. The bathroom door was closed and Kongpob could see light coming from under the door.

As he closed and locked the outside door, he heard strange sounds coming from the bathroom. At first he couldn't figure out what they were, but then he realized that Arthit was getting sick in there.

Morning sickness had begun.

Setting down the bags on the table, Kongpob walked over to knock on the door.

"Arthit? Can I come in?"

When he didn't get a reply, he opened the door to see Arthit kneeling on the floor. The older man looked up at him quickly before leaning forward to be sick again. Having nothing in his stomach to throw up, he sat there with nothing happening.

Kongpob stepped forward and knelt to place his hand on Arthit's back, trying to sooth him by rubbing the spot between his shoulder blades. He remembered that this worked when Arthit was pregnant with Fiat.

After a moment, Arthit's body relaxed and he leaned back. Resting his head on Kong's shoulder, he gave a sigh.

"Well, this has started. Not something I was looking forward to. Where did you go?"

"Just went to grab food for us. Let's go get something in your stomach. That should help with the morning sickness." Kongpob said, trying to help Arthit stand up. At first, the older man glared at him for it and tried to get him to let go, but eventually he let his boyfriend assist him in standing from the floor of the bathroom. He knew this would be a common thing that Kongpob would do the whole time he was pregnant, so he figured he should get used to it and let the younger man make himself feel useful.

As soon as Arthit was on his feet, Kongpob let go. They both made their way into the other room, with Kong heading to get the bag from the store from his desk and Arthit heading to the table where the food bags were.

When Kongpob joined Arthit at the table, the smell of the food was making the older man nauseous and he was trying not to get sick. Kongpob sat down before holding something out to Arthit.

Glancing up, Arthit saw that it was a box of crackers. With a smile, he reached across to take it.

"I remember that these helped your morning sickness with Fiat, so I hope they will this time too." Kongpob said, reaching for his utensils.

"I don't know how you do it, but you always know what is needed and when it's needed. Thank you." Arthit said, shaking his head in amazement as he opened the box. Crackers always seemed to help him get through the morning when he was pregnant with Fiat, so he could only assume they would help again.

Arthit munched on his first cracker as he watched Kongpob eat his own breakfast. After the third cracker, he was feeling much better, so he reached for his meal. He was so hungry that he finished his food at the same time as Kong.

They both cleaned up the table before deciding that they both needed to sit down and finish the homework that was due the next day. It was unusual that they hadn't done it yesterday, but with the excitement of the news, they hadn't been too worried about it.

It took most of the day to finish it all with a break at lunch and dinner to eat, but they eventually packed it away and got ready for bed.

They had their normal argument about Arthit going back to his dorm, but the older man was too tired to argue for long, so he eventually gave up.


The next morning, Kongpob woke to the sound of Arthit getting sick again in the bathroom. He knew it would take them a little bit to get used to this again, so he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom after grabbing the crackers from yesterday.

When 9 am rolled around, Arthit was feeling mostly back to normal, the two had eaten and were ready to head to campus.

Kong and Arthit rode to campus separately on their own bikes, even though Kongpob had tried to insist on driving Arthit there on his motorbike. He didn't want Arthit to over exhaust himself, but of course the older man didn't want anyone else on campus to know about them. Not yet.

They went their separate ways, each heading to meet up with their friends before heading off to class.

Arthit smiled when he caught sight of Tutah trying to catch Bright around the table Knott and Prem were sitting at. The seated two were seemingly just ignoring the others, paying more attention to some papers in front of each. Probably last minute homework, although that was unusual for those two.

"Hey, guys! You almost ready to head to our first class?" Arthit asked,  carefully walking closer to the table,  so that neither Tutah nor Bright would bump into him. His question caused all of them to stop and look at him.

"You ready to turn in your homework?" Knott asked, then gestured to the paper in front of him. "I didn't get mine finished this weekend."

"Yes, I'm done with mine.  What were you doing this weekend that kept you from finishing it? I spent the weekend with Kong and we both still had time to get it all done." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realize that it wasn't a good idea to tell them that. Bright immediately quirked an eyebrow.

"You two were together all weekend? What were you doing?"He asked,  clearly thinking something naughty.  This made Arthit blush and shake his head. Without another word, he walked off in the direction of their first class, leaving the others to scramble to get their things together so they could follow him.

"Was it something I said?" Arthit heard Bright ask as he turned a corner, which made him smile. He knew they would all be thinking he and Kong had got up to something this weekend.

They wouldn't have any clue about the baby if he kept this up.

A/N: I am moving so writing isn't as quick right now. But any moment I have will be put to finishing this story.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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