Big Trouble

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Prem stood there with a concerned look on his face as Kongpob greeted him with a Wai. He then stood up to his full height before sitting down near the younger man.

"Hey, nong, are you alright? Why are you out here? And why are you alone?", the typically angry hazer asked in gentle tones. Kongpob looked away from the man to gaze out at the water again.

"I am fine, just have something I needed to think about. Plus, my friends are being stupid and I needed to get away for a little bit. What about you? Why are you out here alone?"

"I'm just busy thinking about something as well. Nothing bad, but it is just... difficult to figure out." Prem looked out at the waves as they moved up to the sand and then back again. Heaving a sigh, Kongpob pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them. His chin dropped to rest on his knees.

After what felt like just a few minutes, he heard Prem move and stand up.

"Nong. You should head to bed now, we have some things planned for tomorrow morning and you need sleep." Prem said before heading in the direction of his room. Kongpob nodded, knowing he was right. Standing up, he dusted himself off as he headed in the direction of his own room. He was hoping the others were asleep and hadn't gotten caught drinking.

When he arrived at the room, he took a moment to listen, standing still near the door. No sound came from the room, so he figured it was safe to enter.

Opening the door, he glanced around the room to see... nothing. No one was in the room. Looking around in confusion, he wondered what had happened. Leaving the room again, he wondered in the direction of the senior's rooms, hoping his friends hadn't gotten drunk and gone looking for him thinking he had gone to see Arthit.

Rounding a corner, he saw Arthit standing in front of his friends, who were standing as they would when being punished at the beginning of hazing and looking very worried. With their attention on their head hazer, they didn't notice Kongpob at first.

That is, until Arthit turned to pace away from the group. Kongpob could see the frustration on the older man's face.

"Kongpob! Where were you?" This shout had the others looking in his direction, clearly hoping that he would save them.

"I was sitting on the beach, thinking for a while." Kongpob told his boyfriend, walking closer to the group. "What happened?"

"You were on the beach? Were you drinking, too? Is there anyone who can..." Arthit began his rant, but Kong cut him off. He knew this would probably make the man angrier, but he had warned his friends what would happen if they got caught so nothing he did would keep that from happening. He would like to help them, but Arthit was his biggest concern right now. He shouldn't be getting stressed right now.

"I was just sitting and thinking, not drinking. And Prem came upon me as I was doing my thinking. He sat with me for a little bit. We just parted ways about 5 minutes ago. I guess you found out that they were drinking?" Arthit nodded, but then took a deep breathe. Kongpob watched as the older man noticeably relaxed, happy to know that he was doing so. Neither wanted anything to happen to the baby.

"Because you weren't one of the people drinking, you go on to bed. We have a lot planned tomorrow. They will join you after their punishment. Don't argue with me." Arthit warned as Kongpob opened his mouth. The younger man could see that Arthit was about to get worked up, so he decided it would be safer to just comply with his request.

Kongpob nodded before turning to head back to his room. He knew his friends would be mad at him, but they would forgive him eventually. Especially after the news of the baby was finally out.

Kongpob arrived at their room and got ready for bed. Laying on his side of the bed he was sharing with M, Kong's last thought before sleep claimed him was, "I wonder what they have planned for tomorrow."


The next morning, most of Kongpob's friends wouldn't talk to him. M was the only one who would, as they all packed up after the talent show and the gear giving ceremony on the beach. They would be heading home the next morning, so they wanted to be ready to leave.

After they were done, they joined the others on the beach to drink and have some fun. Kongpob searched until he found his boyfriend, smiling at seeing him on his own close to the waves. The expression on Arthit's face was a mix of worry and disappointment.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat down on the sand next to Arthit, who jerked his head around in surprise. When he saw that it was Kong, he sighed, his shoulders relaxing.

"Hey." Arthit greeted, not answering the question.

"Hey, are you okay? I can see that something is wrong. Is there something I can do to help you?"

"I am alright. It's just... I know my friends and they are going to be suspicious when I don't drink tonight. I have been trying to figure out a way to keep them from finding out about the baby, but I am stumped. I mean, Prem already volunteered to be the sober senior to keep an eye on everyone, so I can't do that." Kongpob could see that Arthit was getting more and more upset about this, so he placed his hand on Arthit's arm.

"Hey, it's okay. You could just tell them that we both agreed not to drink tonight. I wasn't planning on drinking anyway." Kongpob offered, then watched as Arthit shook his head.

"No, I want you to have fun with your friends. It's the time to celebrate the end of hazing for all of you"

"I don't know if you realized, but I've never been a big drinker anyway. So, I can still have fun without drinking. That is, if my friends will stop being mad at me. M is fine, but the others are still mad about the first night here." Kongpob reminded Arthit.

"Still? Wow. It's not like you left them without trying to help. Whatever, but are you really sure that is what you want to do?" Arthit asked, placing his hand over Kong's on his arm. The younger man nodded making Arthit smile. "Okay, let's go join our friends."

They both went their separate ways. Kong found May and M walking together on the beach, so he joined them. May wasn't much of a talker to begin with so when she remained silent, he didn't think anything of it.

They all joined the rest of their friends with Kongpob sitting down at the end. When he was handed a cup of beer, he waved it away.

"No thank you. I don't really feel like drinking."

"Why not? It's time to celebrate!! And you don't have to worry about getting in trouble with your boyfriend. Because he will be drinking, too." Tew said, but Kongpob started to shake his head.

"Actually, no, he won't. We both agreed that neither of us would drink tonight. We don't want anything bad to happen with no one sober, so he will be sober for his friends and I will be for you guys."

"Don't worry about that!! We won't get that drunk!" Oak insisted only to look away guiltily when the others glared at him. Apparently, he had been the one to out their drinking the day before. He had gotten too loud and that had drawn Arthit to their room.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to stick to water. But you guys have fun."

With a shrug, Oak continues to drink and before long the others joined in.

They laughed and joked for the next few hours as they get more and more drunk. Kongpob had a blast watching them try doing things and each time, they would end up laying on the sand.

He was eventually able to convince them all to head to their rooms to sleep, finishing by dropping M on their bed. He had been the drunkest tonight.

Shaking his head, Kongpob got ready for bed and laid down to sleep. He was looking forward to the end of this trip and being able to show others that Arthit was his. They had agreed to stop hiding their relationship after this trip, so Kongpob was planning ways to show it off. He was probably going to get into so much trouble with Arthit, but he was tired of hiding and ready for others to know besides their friends.

He fell asleep with a smile.

A/N: Sorry, guys!! I have several scenes planned out, but this one wasn't planned and I couldn't figure out how I was going to do it.

I hope you enjoyed!!

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