Normal Things

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The bus trip home was pretty uneventful for everyone except Arthit. The whole time, he was doing his best not to get sick from the movement of the large vehicle. He hadn't been expecting to feel sick on the way home because the trip to the beach had been fine. Kongpob did his best to distract him from the nausea, but the only thing that worked was when Kong was rubbing his back, which Arthit didn't want him to do.

Arthit did not want anyone to see his partner being handsy like that or they might come to the right conclusion; whether about them or about the baby. They weren't ready for anyone to know about the baby. He knew that he was probably just being paranoid, but he didn't want to take the chance.

They had already spoken about being less secretive about their relationship though. They just hadn't thought about what they wanted to do to let others know without stating it.

Arriving at school, Arthit disembarked from the bus quickly. He attempted to grab something to take it off the bus, but Kongpob refused to let him, so they both knew he couldn't lift too much before risking the baby. This was the only reason Arthit relented.


Two Weeks Later

Arthit had reminded Kongpob a few days before about his appointment with their doctor to check on the baby, so they had planned to start out on Kongpob's motorbike an hour before.

He had been feeling very sick the last few days, so he planned to ask the doctor if there was anything he could do about it as this time it was so much worse than with Fiat. He hadn't told Kongpob about being so sick, so he knew the younger man would be surprised and worried about it at the appointment. He was willing to risk the lecture.

Arthit was up and just finished getting ready, when his phone chimed telling him there was a message waiting.

Turning on his phone, he smiled when he saw it was from Kongpob.

I'm outside. See you soon.

Placing his phone in his pocket, he left his room, locking it behind him. He met Kong on the curb and climbed onto the motorbike behind Kongpob. He held on tight to his boyfriend as they started out.

Luckily, the doctor's office wasn't more then 25 mintues away as Arthit had began to feel sick minutes before they made it. He got off the bike and immediately leaned on it as he fought the nausea back. Taking several deep breathes, he was aware of Kongpob standing there rubbing his back after he also dismounted the bike and killed the engine.

When he felt better, Arthit straightened and nodded at Kongpob to let him know he felt better. He could see Kong was worried as he caught a glimpse of his expression, while they made their way into the building.

Checking in, Arthit led Kongpob to the waiting area so they could sit. They still had about 20 mintues before their appointment.

"Kong, I know it's hard, but don't worry. Getting sick is an unfortunate part of being pregnant. It's not a sign of anything bad... I don't think. But I will be mentioning it to the doctor to be sure, okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were getting sick? I mean, more than last time."

"I didn't want you to worry, and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that each pregnancy will be different. I wasn't too sick with Fiat, but I'm super sick with this baby." Arthit tried to explain with what he knew, but he was interrupted.

"Rajnapat" the nurse called, standing at the door that lead to the exam rooms.

Arthit and Kongpob stood up to follow the woman to the exam room. This time the exam was quick and pretty easy as Arthit just had to answer questions about how he was feeling and if there was anything that he wanted to have checked out. He mentioned the extreme nausea and the nurse wrote it down.

After her exam was complete, she left the room, informing Arthit and Kongpob that the doctor would be with them very soon.

Only 5 minutes went by before the doctor entered the room.

"I see that you are having a problem with morning sickness, correct?" Arthit nodded, "There really isn't anything I can do to help you with that besides reminding you to make sure you have something dry to eat at all times such as crackers or toast." Arthit nodded, having figured as much. The doctor checked the chart in front of him before he continued.

"Today you are 7 weeks 1 day along so if you would like, we could hear the baby's heartbeat." He looked toward the pair. The pair looked at each other. Kong nodded slightly at the doctor.

They got set up with the machine and waited impatiently to hear the baby. It took several moments for the technician to find the right heart beat, but when he did the sound filled the room.

Thump thump thump thump thump.

Quick beats sounded through the machine.

Arthit immediately teared up and Kongpob smiled, looking at his partner. He was so happy and thankful for this amazing man. Reaching over, he wiped some of the tears pouring down Arthit's face off with his thumb, completely understanding why he was crying. This whole situation was overwhelming and yet, so amazing.

They quickly finished up the appointment, the doctor telling them that everything seemed to be going well and that the baby was growing on schedule.

They left the office, both smiling.

"Are you hungry? We could go get something to eat." Kongpob offered. Arthit nodded and they climbed onto the bike.

They decided to go eat at the noodle shop where they had eaten the day they met in the mall. It was good to go back and remember how things were at the very beginning.

"So what do you want to do after this? I mean, we could just go home to my dorm or we could always go visit Fiat at my parent's house." Kongpob asked, after they had almost finished their food.

"Let's go see Fiat. I really miss him. And I know once baby gets here, our attention will be mainly on them. Whether we intend to do so or not." Kong nodded, in complete agreement.

"I know. And whoever isn't taking care of the baby at that moment we need to make sure he is getting our attention when we can do so. I really hope we can do this with 2 kids under 3. It's going to be a challenge, especially with you at your internship and me at school. But we will figure all of that out as we go. Who of our friends do you think will help us with the baby? P'Tutah for sure." Kongpob asked, knowing this would keep Arthit from panicking again.

They continued talking about this as they finished eating and walking to the motorbike. They arrived at Kong's parent's place quickly and Arthit dismounted only to lean over as nausea hit him again. He waited for it to pass as Kongpob turned off the bike and swinging his leg off it.

He really hated this part of carrying the baby. He could wait for this stage to be over. If it ended, because he knew that sometimes the nausea could last though the whole pregnancy. He began feeling better and slowly straightened.

"I really hope this goes away soon." He said, before heading for the front door with Kongpob's hand resting on his lower back.

Entering the house, Kongpob called out to his parents to let them know they were there. A small 'dada' was his reply.

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long. Things have been bad irl for me. I am getting through it as best I can and writing when I have the time and inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even with it being as short as it is.

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