The Day After

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Immediately upon waking, Kongpob groaned and reached up to clutch at his head as it felt like he'd been hit in the head with a bat several times. Or he tried to, but neither arm would budge. He could feel something heavy laying on top of him and whatever it was had his arms pinned down. He struggled in his task to open his eyes, but he eventually saw who was laying on him. Arthit. A very naked Arthit. This sight made him raise his eyebrows. He knew he had been drunk last night and he vaguely remembered Arthit being in his room, but besides that it was all a blur. He could figure out what happened from their state of undress, but he didn't remember any of it.

Arthit began to stir, turning his head to nuzzle Kongpob's chest. With a shift of his body, Arthit released one of Kong's hands, which he immediately moved to place it on his pounding head. The room continued to spin and he had to fight the nausea.

"What happened?" He asked as quietly as he could. This caused Arthit to look up at him.

"I figured you wouldn't remember. You got drunk and came back here. I followed you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. When I came in you were attempting to brush your teeth, but kept missing. When you realized I was here.. well, you didn't change your approach even while drunk. Now, we need..."

Arthit was interrupted by a knock on the door. The two in the bed looked at it in panic, both wondering who it could be and why they were here. There was nothing but silence for several minutes and they thought the person on the other side of the door had left, when they heard a key in the lock.

They looked at each other, the panic plain on their faces. Arthit quickly scrambled out of the bed, grabbing up his clothes as he went. Kong was trying to do the same but his headache was slowing him down. They hadn't made it far in dressing, when the door opened and in walked M.

The large man stopped in his tracks as he took in the unexpected scene of his best friend standing mostly naked with their head hazer, half clothed, in Kong's room.

"Um... Kong, what is going on?" He eventually asked, clearly trying to figure it out but not getting the conclusion he wanted.

"M, please turn around, so we can get dressed. I will explain everything after." Kongpob said, pulling his shirt on over his head. M did as asked and waited for the rustling and whispers to stop.

"Alright, we're done. Come sit down." Kong said and M turned around to see Arthit sitting at the table and Kongpob on the bed closest to the table, motioning to the remaining chair. He could see that Arthit's face was bright red but Kongpob seemed calm about this whole thing. Which wasn't surprising to M as that was how Kongpob was normally. Although he did seem in pain as he watched him flinch and reach up to touch his head.

"Before I sit down, I am assuming you are hung over from last night. I brought medicine for that. That's why I'm here." M said, holding up the bag he was carrying.

Kongpob nodded and held out his hand for the bag. M grabbed a bottle of water from Kong's fridge on his way over. Placing both items in his friend's hand, he eventually sat down. He was very leery of Arthit who had been silent, watching the interaction.

"Alright, I understand that you are probably confused as to why P'Arthit is in my room." Kongpob said, after taking one of the meds from the bag. M nodded and then immediately shook his head no.

"I mean, yes and no. After I found out about Fiat, I paid a lot more attention to who you interacted with the most. At first I couldn't figure it out, because you didn't seem to pay any of the girls more attention than others, but then I saw P'Arthit going into your building one day. It confused me at first, but that made me realize that he seemed to pick on you a lot. I still don't know how Fiat happened, but I knew you would explain eventually. So when did this start?" He asked, gesturing between the two men.

"First of all, you are not to tell anyone about what you have seen here or anything we tell you. We aren't.. I mean, I am not ready for others to know yet." Arthit corrected, glancing at Kongpob.

M nodded. "Of course. I understand, don't worry." Arthit and Kongpob exchanged a look before Arthit nodded.

"Well, we met 3 years ago at Siam mall..." Kongpob began the story again just as he had told Arthit's parent's. When he was done, M shook his head with a laugh.

"That does sound like something Kongpob would do. He has always been forward and persistent in whatever he wants." Arthit gave a bark of laughter and nodded. Kong shook his head, knowing it was true.

"Alright, now explain how little Fiat exists. Because I can see both of you in his features, so he can't be a one night stand with some woman. And I know your sisters are married." M said pointing at Kongpob. Arthit was impressed with M being able to see the similarities. Kongpob glanced at Arthit when he was silent for too long.

"Actually, that is a bit more complicated. See, Arthit is... different... Umm.. how should I explain this? He is male on the outside, but on the inside, he is partially female. He didn't know this until a few months after we started dating. He was having strange symptoms so he went to the doctor and they did several tests." Kongpob took over the explanation but was interrupted at this point.

"They were also confused at first, but when they did the ultrasound, they saw the baby and my... womb. I laughed at them when they told me that I was pregnant. It just wasn't possible, but they showed me the pictures and explained everything. It took me more than a week to fully come to terms with it all, but once I had, I told Kong." Arthit smiled over at his boyfriend, happy that he hadn't run from the situation. He knew most others would, so that was what he had expected at the time.

"Oh. Wow. That would be a shock to anyone. So, do your friends know? I assume not as you said you aren't ready for others to know." M asked. Arthit began to shake his head.

"Not about Kongpob or about how Fiat exists, but they know he does exist. My mom brought him to campus recently and I was about to eat lunch with them at the time. I had to explain who he was. Luckily, they haven't asked anymore questions, yet." Arthit said, then looked at his watch. "It's almost time for class. I need to go change and grab my bag before I meet up with my friends. I will see you two at hazing tonight." Arthit smiled at Kongpob before standing up.

The two freshmen watched Arthit grab his keys and phone before heading out the door, not looking back. Kongpob knew he was embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do about it. His headache was almost gone by now. M was shaking his head when he looked in his direction.


"Is he the reason you decided to go into engineering?" M asked. Kongpob laughed.

"He was the deciding factor, yes. But you know my mom wanted me to study engineering as well, so I just went for it." Kongpob answered with a shrug.

"So, have you told your parents yet? I know your mom didn't know before, when i met little Fiat, but..."

"Yes. Both of our parents just learned about us dating and Fiat's story. Although it seems, P'Arthit's parents already knew he was dating a guy."

M's expression changed into confusion, so Kong told him that story. The rest of their visit was cut short as they needed to get to class. Kongpob quietly got dressed in his uniform and grabbed his bag.

A/N: Sorry for the delay, but this chapter was kicking my butt.

Happy New Year, everyone!!

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