Fury and Fire

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The room was silent for a long time. So long in fact that, Arthit started to get worried. He was sure that at least his mom would be alright with the situation. But his dad was known for having a little bit of a short fuse when things didn't happen how he thought they should. The silence was broken by his father and Arthit braced himself for the fireworks.

"Well, I am happy to say; I knew you were dating a man." This statement made Arthit's jaw drop. "Come on. Any time we would ask about your girlfriend, you would change the word to partner. Did you think we didn't notice when you would do that? We figured that out about 2 years ago. When Fiat was born, it confused me. How did you have a baby with a man? But we just figured you made a mistake one night and he was the result." He looked at his wife now. "I told you he was still dating the same person this whole time." Arthit's mom smiled and nodded.

"Dad, so... You knew? But didn't tell me? Why?" Arthit was a little confused but he was also happy to know they didn't seem to have an issue with who he was dating. He tightened his grip on Kongpob's hand, happy to note the younger man was smiling in his direction.

"We figured you would tell us when you were ready." Arthit's mother, Preeda, said before turning to the young man who was sitting beside her son. "Arthit, you never introduced us to your boyfriend."

"Oh, sorry. This is Kongpob Suthiluck. Kong, my mom, Preeda, and my dad, Niran. Kong is my junior at Rangsit university. He is also in engineering." Arthit said, then watched as his mother grimaced.

"That means you are being hazed by your boyfriend. How is that working out? Is he being difficult?" She asked Kongpob before Arthit could ask her why she was making that face. Kong's smile widened before he looked from Preeda to Arthit.

"Yes, he is head hazer and things haven't been going well. I have been trying to keep from causing Arthit trouble, but there have been a few moments I haven't been able to help it. I can't help myself when he wears his hazer jacket and shows his commanding side." Kongpob said with no shame and a smile. Arthit felt his face turning red at this comment.

"Kongpob!" Arthit yelled, clearly not appreciating Kong being so flirty in front of his parents. Preeda just laughed while Niran shook his head.

"I can see you two love each other and that makes me happy to know. So, N'Kongpob, welcome to the family." Niran said with a nod of his head. This is the moment Fiat was done with being ignored. The little boy let out a screech while flailing his hands, hitting his grandmother in the face.

"Fiat, that wasn't nice." Kongpob said, standing up quickly to take him from Preeda. "You say sorry to Grandma Rara." Fiat had his head down and was pouting silently, but as soon as he saw Arthit getting ready to stand up, he turned to look at Preeda.


"Baby, you have to be careful." Kongpob said, watching Niran check the spot Fiat had hit his wife. There was a small red mark there, but Preeda waved her hand, dismissing the whole situation.

"I am alright. It's not the first time he has hit me. Granted, the last time he did it, he was 8 months old and he wasn't very strong then." Preeda laughed.

Kongpob went back to sit next to Arthit with Fiat in his lap this time. Arthit smiled, running his hand through his baby's black hair. It was still as soft as it had been when he was born.

The next hour was Arthit's parent's getting to know their son's partner and Kongpob realizing that Arthit's cute personality came from his dad. It was funny to see Preeda make Niran blush even after all this time. At 11, Preeda excused herself so she could begin preparing lunch. Fiat had been put down to explore the room and play with some toys, which had been put out for him.

"So have you told your friends, yet?" Niran asked which confused Arthit and Kongpob. He wasn't really specific in his question.

"About us? Or about Fiat? Because my friends just learned about Fiat recently. As for us, they didn't even know I was dating anyone, let alone who I am dating. They did ask, and have continued to ask since they found out about Fiat. But we have decided to wait a little while to tell them. We want to wait until Hazing is done, but of they find out, we won't hide it or deny it." Arthit said, glancing at Kongpob.

"As for my friends, only my best friend knows about Fiat and he doesn't know about who I'm dating. My other friends don't even suspect that I'm dating someone. They keep trying to set me up with one of our other friends." Kongpob said with a shrug. This got Arthit's attention.

"You never told me that. Which one?" He asked, clearly curious about this new information. Kong smiled at the jealous tone.

"They seem to think May likes me, so they keep trying to get us to study together. I have been able to say no each time, but I have a feeling she won't be denied for much longer. Especially since I am now the Faculty Moon." Kongpob shook his head. Arthit should have known that nominating him would cause this kind of issue.

"Look, I'm sorry but I thought you would be a good candidate. That was before you became a nuisance in hazing."

"I can't help it!" Kong leaned in to whisper in Arthit's ear. "You are so sexy up there being so demanding."

This comment made Arthit flush again and jerk away from his boyfriend. He swallowed hard before responding.

"Kongpob. Don't. We will talk about that later." Kong could clearly see that his statement had affected the older man by the look in his eyes.

It didn't take long for lunch to be ready and then Fiat was down for a nap after he ate. The young parents stood and watched him sleep for a few minutes before quietly leaving the room. Kongpob and Arthit decided to take a nap as well, so the older man led Kongpob to his room, which turned out to be the room next door.

The room was very similar to Arthit's dorm room except for the lack of manga on his book shelves. The two lay down and cuddled in the center of the bed. It didn't take long for them to fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long. I had a hard time figuring out I wanted to end it. As well as my job got really hard recently. Hopefully it has calmed down now.

Hope you enjoyed!

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