How? Next!

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I am so sorry about the false publish. A mistake was made, but the chapter wasn't done, so I had to take it back. I know that was disappointing to you, but I hope I can make it up to you with this chapter. I stayed up late to finish it.


"Oh, that reminds me. How are you feeling from the other day? The 54 laps you ended up doing? Are you feeling better?" M asked, leaning forward so he could look at Arthit.

"Yeah, I am mostly recovered. Still a little sore as that was only 2 days ago, but I will heal soon." Arthit smiled briefly at this. This topic sparked another memory for the group.

"This makes so many other things make sense. Like, how insistent you were about caring for a senior after Arthit had run all those laps. I was wondering why you seemed so worried about the man who had been picking on you this whole time." Knott said, addressing Kongpob. The younger man smiled.

"Oh and, Kongpob, were you there at the drink stall on purpose when I went to get this whiner some food the next day or was that actually an accident?" Prem asked. Kong smiled.

"Well, a little of both actually. I was hoping to see Arthit when I went out, because he hadn't messaged me about how he was doing. So when I bumped into you, ordering pink milk, I suspected it wasn't for you."

Prem laughed at this, shaking his head.

The meeting only lasted 10 minutes after that. The topic having been fully explained, but Arthit's friends still wanted to poke fun at the two. Kongpob was taking the comments without much reaction, but Arthit had already threatened to kill all of his friends several times.

Kongpob's friends had also made comments, but they were all targeting Kong as they didn't want to get punished by the head hazer later for it.

Fiat had been passed around so he could get used to all of their friends. Prem and Knott hadn't really wanted to hold him, but they had eventually relented. Fiat had been happy to stand on each person's lap and grab at their hair and their faces. He looked at his parents several times to make sure they hadn't left him, but each time he saw them still there he would go back to whatever he had been doing.

"Well, we should get Fiat back to one of his grandparents, because I sure he is getting tired with all of the activity and excitement today." Kongpob said, clearly ready to leave the cafe himself. Glancing at Arthit, he saw the older man yawn.

Everyone nodded before standing up. They all helped move the tables and chairs back into their original spots before May, Maprang, Prae, and Tew said their goodbyes quickly and leaving to go their own way. M and Oak left together saying they were going to play DOTA. Kongpob just shook his head, knowing this was what they usually did instead of their homework.

"Don't forget!! I..."

"I know! You won't help us on homework if we play games all weekend. Thanks for the reminder, dad!!" Oak sassed back as he followed M out the door. Kongpob smiled and shook his head.

Arthit and the hazers stood off to the side talking as Kongpob held Fiat and gathered all his things. Diaper bag all packed, he threw it over his shoulder and joined his partner.

"Well, you definitely surprised us. We found out about Fiat, recently, so that was a surprise, but the fact that this guy is Fiat's father and that you are.. technically his mother, is almost impossible to believe. If I didn't see both of you in this little boy's features, I would for sure not believe it." Knott shook his head.

Arthit smiled and turned to Kong and Fiat. "Are you ready to go? We should spend a little time with Fiat alone before we get him back to your parents." Kongpob nodded then showed his respect to the other hazers with a wei.

Bright began making kissing noises at the pair, but Tutah hit Bright, making him stop and rub his head.

"Stop hitting me!!" Bright whined. This made the rest of the group laugh as the started for the door. Prem held the door open as he allowed the others to precede him out of the café. He was about to follow when he saw a young man approach the door, so decided to hold it open for him as well. The young man had his head down, but when he realized that the door was being held open, he lifted his head to thank the person holding it for him. Prem immediately recognized the man; Wad, the freshman who had been showing as much disrespect to the hazers as he possibly could. This did not deter him from being helpful. Then, instead of doing what Prem expected, Wad wei-ed him and, while keeping eye contact, he entered the café.

Prem had to shake himself out of his stupor when he heard Arthit call for him, realizing that he had been looking in the direction of the younger man.

"Prem, what are you doing? No one else is going in or out of the café. By the way, that was a very gentlemanly thing for you to do." Arthit said with a knowing smirk. Prem let go of the door and walked away from the door, and right past the hazer group without a word. Arthit shook his head briefly, but realized that Kongpob was waiting for him.

"I will see you on Monday, in our usual spot?" Arthit asked, getting a nod and a grunt from Tutah and Knott. Bright was still pouting from being hit so he didn't say or do anything to acknowledge the question. Arthit waved as he walked over to Kongpob and Fiat, who immediately wanted to be held my him. Taking the boy from Kong, they made their way to Kongpob's dorm to spend some quality time with their son before his grandparents came to pick him up.


Arriving at the room, Kong opened the door and allowed Arthit enter first. The door was locked and the diaper bag was put down, before Kongpob was able to go join his little family on the bed. Arthit had already changed the boy's diaper and was playing with him, trying to get him to laugh. Fiat was obviously too tired to be happy like that because he had a very serious expression on his face. Kongpob had to laugh at this sight.

"Fiat, you look just like Mommy. So serious." This comment earned him a scowl from Arthit and a small giggle from Fiat. Kongpob laughed before trying to get his partner's mind off what he said. "Arthit, are you sure you are okay? I mean, you did run a long time with no breaks just a few days ago."

"Yeah. Don't worry, I am feeling much better. My legs still hurt a bit, but not to the extent they did that night. I really can't believe I finished those laps." Arthit said with a grimace. Fiat gave a big yawn at that moment, so the pair decided to put him down for a nap.

Fiat usually hated naps, but today he seemed to have worn himself out with their friends and he went right to sleep.

Then Kong sent a message to his mother to come and get the little boy, knowing they would get there just as Fiat woke up.

Laying on his side next to his baby boy and his boyfriend, he watched as Arthit also feel asleep. This was one of the moments that made him realize how lucky he was.

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