Is it time yet?

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School life got so busy that the next two weeks went by quickly and that the expectant couple didn't have a chance to plan when they would tell their parents or even Kong's friends.

Arthit's nausea had mostly gone away and he had only had 3 dizzy spells in that time, so he was feeling better. The funny part of all this was that Arthit's friends had reacted very differently to him getting dizzy now that they knew about the babies.

Tutah was attentive, rubbing his back in the hopes that it would help him feel better. It didn't, only Kongpob doing the same ever helped and Arthit didn't know why, but it was sweet of the man to try.

Knott stood there with a panicked expression, clearly not sure now to help or what to do.

Prem was mostly calm, but he stayed well away from Arthit as if what he had could be passed to him.

And Bright, as usual, kept making jokes. Which didn't help in the current situation, but did help Arthit in the long run. The way he was acting was the same as before Arthit had told them all he was a freak of nature and he appreciated it. Even though some of his comments weren't appropriate sometimes. And he usually ended up hit over the head for them.

The couple's next baby appointment was the next day, Saturday. So they were planning to go to their appointment and then go to Kongpob's parent's house to see both sets of parents and Fiat.

They would probably be telling their parents about the new addition to the family this weekend.


They arrived at the appointment 20 minutes early and, as usual, caused a stir when they sat down after checking in. There were several women and their partners in the waiting room, so many of them were staring. This made Arthit a little nervous, but he was starting to get used to it again. Surprisingly, not everyone was staring; there was another man there, on his own. He was minding his own business, reading one of the magazines. Arthit thought he looked familiar, but couldn't place from where. Instead of trying to figure out how he knew him, he picked up a magazine in front of him to read.

Soon they were called in to the exam room. As Arthit stood up after putting the magazine down, he realized the other man was no longer in the waiting room.

'Hmm. I guess he left.'

Walking into the exam room, Arthit immediately got on the table.

"Alright. I think you know how this works, so let's get through the questions and then we will see the babies and.. are you ready to hear their heartbeats today?"

Kongpob and Arthit glanced at each other before nodding at the nurse. The nurse quickly ran through the normal questions about how he was feeling.

"The babies should be about the right size for you to feel now. Have you felt any movement yet? The first time is usually just a fluttering or like gas moving around."

Arthit shook his head. "Not so far. But I'm sure it'll be soon. I mean, with our last baby, I felt him moving at 18 weeks. So I would think with two, I should feel them sooner, right?"

The nurse just nodded and went back to the rest of her questions. Several minutes later, they finished the questions.

They got set up with the machine within 5 minutes and before they knew it, the sound of two quick heart beats were echoing around the small room.

Arthit listened to his babies hearts race.

His babies.

Kongpob's babies.

Their two precious little ones.

He looked over at Kongpob and just watched him smile as he listened.

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