Daily routines

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The next week passed as normal with the exception of mornings for Arthit. Kongpob didn't stay at Arthit's room during this week as they both knew that they would distract each other. This was despite the fact that Kong wanted to dote on his partner more now that he was expecting.

Arthit had still not really come to terms with this fact. The baby didn't seem real.

Still, Arthit had already made another appointment with the doctor for 3 weeks out to see how things were going with development. He hadn't told Kong yet, but he would on the beach trip. They had just received the approval to go and the plans were almost settled.

Arthit was with his friends at the moment, trying to make sure there were enough buses to taken them all.

"Okay, so we have 4 buses to take all of us to the beach with enough room for us to spread out a little. And, Arthit..." Prem said, gaining the man's attention, "N'Kongpob will need to be on the freshmen bus with the rest of them if you don't want anyone else to know about you two." Each of Arthit's friends has found a way to make fun of him about Kongpob since they had found out.

Arthit rolled his eyes.

"I am aware of this, thank you. I mean, come on. We hid our relationship from everyone for almost 3 years, including hiding a baby. With the exception of Tutah, none of you knew about Fiat and none of you knew I was dating a man. So stop reminding me about Kongpob, I know. We have already spoken about this, among other things. We have also spoken about maybe letting other people know after this trip about us. So I hope you will help us with that?" Arthit asked, gauging his friend's reactions.

Most of them smiled and nodded immediately. But Arthit noticed that Prem had lowered his head and was avoiding eye contact.

Not wanting to confront him about that at the moment, he changed the subject back to the trip plans.


The bus ride to the beach was uneventful, except for the interaction between the hazers and Kongpob's group of freshmen. Kong and Arthit were used to keeping themselves away from each other in public, so it would normally not have been that much of an issue.

But of course, Kongpob still had to fight himself to not pamper his pregnant partner. It took everything in him not to reach out to hug him or cling to him and check to see that he was okay. They hadn't seen each other for several days because they had been busy studying.

It was almost time for finals, so they knew they needed to concentrate on exam study. Kongpob didn't want to be away from Arthit for the next two weeks after this beach trip, but he knew if he wanted to continue being his years topper, he really needed to buckle down.

He could see that Arthit appeared to be okay, so for now that was all he could really ask for. After that interaction, he had to endure the knowing looks from all of his friends as they boarded the bus.

Arriving at their hotel near the beach, they disembarked from the bus, each group getting assigned their room and given a key to it. They were only given a few hours to relax in their rooms before they were called to meet the hazers on the beach.

The hazers as well as the freshmen had a lot of fun in the games that had been planned for this trip. By the time night had fallen, they were all super tired.

Kongpob, Oak, Tew, and M trudged into their shared room where Oak fell onto one of the beds immediately and Tew sat down on the same one with a heavy sigh. Earlier they had agreed who would be sleeping with whom when they found out they were to room together.

Kong had complained to his friends that he wanted to stay with Arthit during this trip but with the others not knowing about them it wouldn't be possible without giving themselves away. Kong's friends had poked fun at him after he had said it, saying that he was whipped for his partner but he just shrugged it off.

He really couldn't say they were wrong in this case. But he knew, once they found out about the baby, they would realize why he wanted to be with Arthit all the time.

He was just getting settled down to go to sleep, when Oak suggested they have a little fun by drinking that night. He even suggested that the girls might like to join. M and Tew expressed their doubt but this didn't dissuade Oak. He left to get the beverages,leaving Kongpob feeling really guilty.

He wanted to join his friends in their party, but he knew that Arthit couldn't drink and he felt it would be unfair to Arthit.

"Hey, guys. I really don't feel like drinking tonight. I'm going to go for a walk on the beach. I will be back in an hour. Don't get too loud or Arthit or another of the hazers will bust you all for drinking when they told us we couldn't."

Kongpob left the room after M made fun of him saying that he just didn't want to drink so he wouldn't be on Arthit's bad side. Shaking his head, Kongpob continued this journey down to the beach, taking the time to look around and take in the fresh air.

Listening to the waves as they rushed over the sand, he thought about his family; his mom, his dad, Arthit, little Fiat, and now the new baby.

If someone had told him 5 years ago that he would meet a man who would become the love of his life and they would have two beautiful babies together, he wouldn't have believed them.

I mean, of course he wouldn't have believed them. First of all, the thought of dating a man at the time would have been ridiculous.

When he was in high school he had been unsure of, even lost at, the prospect of dating someone. To be honest, dating anyone male or female was strange to him. The whole concept of taking someone out to go eat or to watch a movie with them and just enjoy their company was strange.

Mostly because that was the kind of thing he did with his friends. He and M would go somewhere to eat and just talk and have fun. But he didn't think of M as anything more than a friend.

It wasn't until he had met Arthit that he realized it wasn't just going to eat or going somewhere to talk or watch a movie. It was more about the feeling you had for the person that you were spending so much time with.

The other reason he wouldn't have believed them, is because of the baby aspect, of course. Everyone knew that two men couldn't have kids. At least not kids that were both of theirs. Plus, they were both young.

When he had met Arthit, and realized he was falling for him, he had eventually come to terms with the fact that they wouldn't have kids that were both of theirs. And he was alright with that. That was, of course, until the big news of Fiat's existence.

That had thrown Kongpob for a loop. At first, he really didn't know how he felt about the baby, but he has come to realize it was a blessing. Something that shouldn't have been possible was now possible and his.

He was startled out of his musings by someone placing their hand on his shoulder.

Turning, he smiled at the figure standing there.

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