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"Yujun!" Jungsu shouts out as he lets himself into my apartment which Jiseok wasn't in. He decided to stay home and meet with Seungmin himself.

"You're happy." I smile as I place my glass of water on the coffee table, then moving over to let Jungsu sit down beside me. "Something happen?"

"Nothing, just happy to see you." He smiles as he then pulls me into a hug, ruffling my hair up. I groan loudly as I then break the hug and push him away. "What're you watching?" He asks as he then rests an arm around my shoulders as we both look at my TV.

"Just some random show that came on because of auto play.." I shrug as I then point over to the remote. "The remote was too far away so I'm not bothered to get up and change the video."

Jungsu sighs deeply as he shakes his head, then standing up and grabbing the remote and then taking a seat beside me again while passing the remote to me. I smile kindly at him as I take the remote off him and change the video to some other random video.

"Yujun, could you explain something to me?" Jungsu then asks after a few moments of silence. I hum in response as I look at him with a raised eyebrow.  "What does love mean?"

"Well, it's when one person feels a lot of affection for another person or object. For example, I love Pooh." I shrug as I crouch down slightly to the floor and scratch Pooh's head softly. "Why do you want to know?"

"Seungmin and I were talking about it on our way here.." He mumbles. "He doesn't know what it is either, so he was going to ask Jiseok."

"We'll Jiseok knows a lot more about love than I do." I smile as I rest my head on Jungsu's shoulder. "He has a girlfriend."

Jungsu's face then shows a confused face. He then turns to me and looks at me with a slight frown. "What's a girlfriend?"

"A girl who you're in love with." I explain.

"I want a girlfriend.. they sound cool!"

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