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As soon they climbed out of the car Anvay held Avantika's hand firmly and she let him her hands were sweating at the thought of seeing the people who didn't think twice before pushing their guilt on her. She was blamed for the shits she never did.

"Just relax Baby, I'm here" Anvay whispered pressing his lips on her temple. She closed her eyes accepting his consoling gesture. They walked inside the venue he searched for where his parents were and walked toward them with her.

They greeted Mr. and Mrs. Rajawat who blessed them and introduced the couple to their distant relatives. "Your daughter in law is really beautiful Meera when are they giving you good news?" One of Mrs. Rajawat friend asked just when Meera Rajawat was about to response.

"Maybe never don't you all know my sister can never be mother she is Infertile" loud gasped filled the area where they were standing Anvay grip on Avantika's hand tightened as he pulled her closer to him.

Sanvi made her way caressing her 8 months baby bump Avantika's parents by her side and the male who was holding her, Anvay assumed he was Avantika's ex Pratik. He clenched his jaw noticing how Pratik was gazing at Avantika with longingness and guilt. While her parents were just looking at them blankly. How badly these people are goanna regret hurting his wife he thought smirking inwardly.

"Why? Are you a doctor to confirm if my wife can get pregnant or not? By the way, who the hell are you first of all?" Anvay groaned. Sanvi rolled her eyes "Don't talk to my wife like that Mister" Pratik butted in between.

"I don't even have wish to stand where you all are standing but have to because this is party held by my father to celebrate our company success" Anvay spat. Pratik eyes widened in realization "Y -you are A-Anvay Singh Rajawat?" He asked pointing the finger toward Anvay who smirked proudly "The one and only" he said then his gaze again went to Sanvi "And for your kind information lady it's our choice when to start our family who all are you to discuss and give us suggestions? What is it, our marriage life or some decision making? I don't remember asking anyone's opinion about planning our child, did I?" Anvay asked glared at the women who found their own life less interested and others more thrilling.

They couldn't able to handle his piercing fiery eyes and looked away in shame. "Our personal and love life is our own privacy I don't like other's interfering into them beside" he smiled evilly and put his hand on Avantika 's hip but making sure he's not making her uncomfortable or disrespecting her in away.

Pulling her to his chest he passionately kissed the side of her lips, her face flushed with the shade of crimson "We're a couple, too passionate about our needs, and crazily in love so you can understand right? I don't want to share my wife with anyone until my heart feels satisfied even if that's our child " he said grinning on their embarrassed red faces while just a few were smiling his parents and best friend Aarav.

Mr. Rajawat felt proud with the way he defended his wife "Indeed my son is right it's their own choice when he and my daughter wants to start their family who are we to butt in?" He said "Now if you excuse us, I'd rather take my wife to meet my business partners instead of wasting our energy between bunch of useless crap like people" he glared at those women and her family before taking dragging her away from the group.

"You didn't have to Anvay..." Avantika mumbled as he made her sit at one of their reserved tables. He poured himself some wine kept on the table instead of calling someone to serve him "I told you Avantika I'll keep you safe and away from all the toxicness of this society you've fought alone a long way now let me protect you hm..." he caressed her cheek.

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