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"Did you meet Anvay Rajawat?" As soon as she entered the house, her father, who was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, asked

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Did you meet Anvay Rajawat?" As soon as she entered the house, her father, who was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, asked. She rolled her eyes when he didn't look at her at all. "No, he didn't come. I waited for hours," Avantika stated in a frustrated voice. She watched as her father folded the newspaper and placed it on the table, staring straight at her. "So? Why did you come back without meeting him? You should have waited there," he said calmly. Oh, why wasn't she surprised? She knew this is what he was going to say about this matter.

"I had more important work to do rather than waiting and wasting my time on a man who can't stay true to his word," she stated, now feeling annoyed. All she wanted right at that moment was to snuggle into her bed without being disturbed. He clenched his jaw, trying to control his anger. "Dare to open that pathetic mouth again, and see what I do to that pretty NGO of yours," he threatened. That's all he could do: abuse her and threaten her with the things she loves and cares about the most. If it weren't for her NGO, she would have moved out of this hell long ago, probably the next day after that broken wedding of hers.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, looking down at the floor. "You better be, but this wouldn't be the only thing you should be sorry about, after you have committed lots of disgusting things to ruin the reputation of our family. And that's why she left us," he spat harshly. She raised her face, looking at him in disbelief. It's been years, yet he wouldn't accept the truth, would he? "She didn't leave because of me. She f*cking ran away," Avantika hissed and, in a blink, she was on the floor whimpering from pain on her right cheek.

"Dare you utter a word about my daughter. She ran away, and that's all because of you!" her mom yelled, pointing her finger accusingly at her. Clenching her jaw, Avantika stood up and kept a neutral face. She didn't want them to see how their actions and words hurt her. She didn't want anyone to see how weak she was.

"If she's your daughter, who am I? Oh, a mere body to sell so that you can gain the profit share for your company, isn't it? Well, no wonder I don't even want you as my parents anymore now. But listen, both of you, the day you will get to know the truth, you'll crawl in front of me begging me to forgive you. That day, we will talk," she said as calmly as she could without stuttering, and left for her room.

With a loud thud, she closed the door of her room, sliding against it, and pulled her knees closer to her chest. She wasn't able to control the heaviness in her chest; she burst into sobs. The tightness in her chest increased as she continued crying her eyes out, but her whole body stiffened when she heard a loud bang in her room. The room was dark, so she couldn't see what it was, but she assumed something heavy fell on the ground. Her fear doubled when she heard someone groaning from pain.

Before she could react, someone spoke in his husky voice, "Oh...w-woman here. I should be the one to cry, but no, that's also you're doing. Wasn't ruining my life enough? Now your window made me fall too," the person whined. It was a male, of course. She could tell that, and for a fact, his voice was somewhat familiar, but she wasn't able to recognize it because it was not clear; he was under the influence of alcohol, she figured out.

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