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Anvay found warmth something he was seeking for past 8 Years. After he got discharged from hospital, he couldn't able to cope up with his sister death. There was no one to help him his hatred towards women grew.

A coin has its two sides similarly here the impact which was left on him had two sides right and wrong. When we're in our worst wrong and negative things seem positive to us and it attracts us.

He always got attracted by these things fucking women venting out his anger for those two women on them, every time he fucks anyone, he saw his ex-girlfriend in them and that forced a beast side him. He felt disgusted, he felt dirty but being constantly getting hunted by these things he found alcohol and sex his only distraction.

Avantika understood this very well, he was just a mere human who had lost his path who had lost his trust in things which gave him pain once. He had turned into someone whom he hated so much because he believed he should hate himself.

Years past he never cope up with his sister death he still blames himself for all of the things he didn't want to move on because he still blame himself for her death. To forget this pain, he does things which made him look bad but at the end of the day he was the one who felt guilty. He wants to bury this guilt so he finds distraction but then he forgets it will only distract the pain will not stop it to reach him again.

"W-what happened to the culprits?" Avantika broke the comfortable silence Anvay sniffled and pulled away from her through he felt the urge to again embraced her but anyway "They ran away but I never give up few months later I got to know they flew to Europe from the money they got. I made sure to caught them and I did both Naira and Noha was sentenced to be hang to death. When they were asked to name their third partner, they refused straight away I don't care I'll find that woman no matter even if she's in hell but them living one of day was like injustice to my sister. So, in a span of four months, they were hung to dead. I'm still searching for that last person who needs to be punished in the worst way possible" he gritted out.

Avantika nodded and forwarded her hands to reach his face cupping it she wiped his tear with the pad of her thumb he leaned into her touch they provided him peace.

"You'll find her too you'll definitely give justice to our Lily hm... I believe you my husband" she said smiling softly at him. His heart beat thumped to another level what the fuck is happening to him? He thought his eyes trailed to her eyes then her lips. To say she's the most beautiful woman he has ever saw in his entire life. He leaned his face and placed his forehead on her. She didn't protest.

"I'm feeling like "us" meeting each other was destined" he mumbled kissing her nose he rubbed his cheek with her. She blushed gleamingly "Maybe..." she muttered returning his gesture "Why didn't you try to find Siyara after getting back to your family? What happened afterwards? Where were you all these years?" He asked curiously now she had to narrate, him the worst part... Which shattered her to the core if she wasn't already.

" You know, Anvay, I've been stabbed in the back by those I needed most. I've been lied to by those I love. And I have felt alone when I couldn't afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own best friend, because there's going to be days when no one is going to be there for me but myself. And those were days..." Anvay held her securely in his arms.

1 Year 5 months later
[ After Avantika was rescued]

City Hospital, Osaka Japan

A sharp pain rose up her head as she tried to open her eyes, it was too bright, her eyes burned when she tried to adjust to the light. Groaning Avantika tried to move her body but her lumps were aching.

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